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About Fakeua

  • Birthday 03/11/1996

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  1. Xatu hit by EQ
  2. My old report SS in there, as you can see that guy canceled his auction even i won that. I didn't start this auction , didn't finish yet why i can't take my bid back. So where is the logic behind on that. . (also if the seller accept to my cancel my bid why is it even bother of anyone , Hayme's offer still in there right , like my bid didn't exist) Btw I will pay 100k to Ayvazar for canceling my bid . You guys can count as "FAKE" as like my nickname . So punish or what i don't care really (i'm just checking this game time by time)
  3. Hi I'm sorry but I want to cancel my bid
  4. Take care my friend :Frown:
  5. Re: WTS Shiny Banette <r>1.1 <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. I want start :)
  7. Ilex Forest at the Azalea Town entrance
  8. Fix images, we can't see them. Sold pinsir , why im can see i can't see too
  9. Re: Pikachu Shiny hp ice [ counter grass ] <r>2.4m <E>:Grin:</E></r>
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