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  1. oh ok, thanks for your support, that was so unlucky to fail sync with all of the tree; but now i know why they have a different nature. Thanks for the support. Have a nice day!
  2. Hi, yes i crashed while fighting both thundurus and tornadus (yes, i was so unlucky). Then i fought them again and caught them.
  3. can i do that? i can recatch them?
  4. Sorry, Tornadus instead of Landourus, on the first line*
  5. Hi, i have encountered a bug with the two of the three new legendaries. the bug is that when i caught landorus and thundurus, they have a specific nature, but when i went to the pc, the nature was another one (that doesn't happened with landorus because i have used a nature reroll ticket). I'll be more specific; i caught tornadus and from the pokereview he was calm (that's the sync that i used for him), and when i went to the pc, he was mild (currently its mild), same with thundurus, i have caught thundurus, and the game shows me from the pokereview that he was mild, i went to the pc , and now its lonely (the pokereview is when you catch a pokemon but the team is full). I swear that it's a bug, and its not my fault, its not a sync fail, i'm sure. Unfortunatelly, i don't have screenshots, because it's impossible that which i know that can happen. So if somebody can help me, and can resolve this problem, giving me back the original nature of these two pokemons, i will really appreciate (thundurus was mild, and tornadus calm). Thank you.
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