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Everything posted by Heiach

  1. Re: Relive The No Scrub Zone's Adventures In Kanto, This Time Fully Edited! [Video Series] <r>Clicky for the full playlist:<br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bbvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91uBakA ... Rt7UrOflHX">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91uBakA72vc&index=17&list=PLySWle9ZKHFh2NsWjaf8-ssRt7UrOflHX</LINK_TEXT></URL><e>[/bbvideo]</e></BBVIDEO><br/> <br/> Just the one episode today as it's a Sunday, seems fair?<br/> We're ploughing through Kanto though, I'm about to start editing the Johto footage soon!</r>
  2. Re: The Original PRO Streamer Is Back! At Least In Youtube Series Form At Long Last! [Videos] <r>As always, the full playlist is here if you click:<br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bbvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaVcINZ ... X&index=15">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaVcINZPBXA&list=PLySWle9ZKHFh2NsWjaf8-ssRt7UrOflHX&index=15</LINK_TEXT></URL><e>[/bbvideo]</e></BBVIDEO><br/> <br/> Another 2 episodes for you today, we're getting that much closer to the Elite 4, I can feel it!</r>
  3. Re: The Original PRO Streamer Is Back! At Least In Youtube Series Form At Long Last! [Videos] <r>The playlist can be found on the other end of this link:<br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bbvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n1nVNr ... Rt7UrOflHX">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n1nVNrfZ2Q&index=14&list=PLySWle9ZKHFh2NsWjaf8-ssRt7UrOflHX</LINK_TEXT></URL><e>[/bbvideo]</e></BBVIDEO><br/> <br/> Keeps those likes and comments coming if you want me to do more!</r>
  4. Re: I've Remastered The PRO Let's Play! Long Time Over Due I know! [Video Series] <r>Click this link to see the rest of the series:<br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bbvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fKY5CK ... Rt7UrOflHX">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fKY5CKIbGI&index=13&list=PLySWle9ZKHFh2NsWjaf8-ssRt7UrOflHX</LINK_TEXT></URL><e>[/bbvideo]</e></BBVIDEO><br/> <br/> Just the 2 videos today, as I said, this current batch involves a lot of volume editing and is taking a lot out of me. What do you guys think of the series so far?</r>
  5. Re: I've Remastered The PRO Let's Play! Long Time Over Due I know! [Video Series] <t>Thank you so much for all of the comments on youtube <3</t>
  6. Re: I've Remastered The PRO Let's Play! Long Time Over Due I know! [Video Series] <t>I think I might reduce the number of videos to 2 a day, at least for a bit as the current batch of footage requires a lot of extra editing.. seeing as the volume levels are wildly out of whack :(.</t>
  7. Re: I've Remastered The PRO Let's Play! Long Time Over Due I know! [Video Series] <r>Click here for the full playlist:<br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bbvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV6cIGL ... Rt7UrOflHX">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV6cIGLZYHo&index=10&list=PLySWle9ZKHFh2NsWjaf8-ssRt7UrOflHX</LINK_TEXT></URL><e>[/bbvideo]</e></BBVIDEO><br/> <br/> Even more videos out now!<br/> <br/> Also do you think 3 a day is too many? Too few? Comment below!</r>
  8. Kanto playlist: Johto playlist: Hoenn playlist: [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] Welcome to a much requested series. Although our unedited playthrough was very popular, it was needless to say, very, very long. Now you can watch our adventure from the very beginning, with all of the less interesting bits and unnecessary battles skipped! This series is a long time over due and as such some of the footage is from as far back as 2015! So some of the features in the game may have improved or changed since these videos were recorded. Also all of the old, unedited videos have been marked as such so you don't get them confused with this re-mastered series! 'Cos I know you guys like to binge-watch episodes, I'm putting out at least 4 today (available shortly after this post goes live) and as many as I can a day, over the next few weeks as well! (Also comment below and/or like and comment on the videos on Youtube to let me know how much you like the series and I might end up doing ALL of the regions, up to Hoenn!)
  9. Click for the full playlist: [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] Okay guys, more videos are out! What I wanna know is, how many should I release a day? Is 3 a good number so far?
  10. I'd love to hear what people think.. also I'm sorry it's taken me a year or so to actually edit this old footage.
  11. Click here to go straight to the entire playlist: [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] Welcome to a much requested series. Although our unedited playthrough was very popular, it was needless to say, very, very long. Now you can watch our adventure from the very beginning, with all of the less interesting bits and unnecessary battles skipped! This series is a long time over due and as such some of the footage is from as far back as 2015! So some of the features in the game may have improved or changed since these videos were recorded. Also all of the old, unedited videos have been marked as such so you don't get them confused with this re-mastered series! 'Cos I know you guys like to binge-watch episodes, I'm putting out at least 4 today (available shortly after this post goes live) and as many as I can a day, over the next few weeks as well! (Also comment below and/or like and comment on the videos on Youtube to let me know how much you like the series and I might end up doing ALL of the regions, up to Hoenn!)
  12. [bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUf83Sph1nE&index=1&list=PLySWle9ZKHFin6Ac9cLsexhEuViLX8MEQ[/bbvideo] Greater Than Heiach! Welcome to GTH, a series where prizes and steam keys are given out to those that can beat me in video games! Do you think you can get a higher score, a faster time, deal more damage or kill more enemies than me? Then this series is for you! I want you all to get involved! The plan is to release an episode each week (probably on Fridays) showcasing my newest challenge to you all. It depends on how many entrants there are but for now, the person who does the best (depending on what the exact challenge is) will be rewarded with the steam key for next weeks game! If this gets really popular I could do the top 3 etc.. One of the key things I want this series to achieve is community building and channel sharing, so to that end, I will be allowing video replies. I mean, that IS the whole point! I want you to record yourself (and presumably beating me) doing the challenges set to you each episode. I'll start off with free/cheap games so as many people as possible can join in, but I'll obviously move onto more expensive games as the series progresses, so the prizes are worth playing for! If in the case that the prize can't be the next game ('cos its free) then I may give other prizes/keys away instead! I'll link to the winner(s) and obviously everyone will be posting their videos via the comment section, so people can check out those videos/channels too if they want as well! Please do leave comments for games and challenges that you think would be great for the series!
  13. Re: Streaming Sun & Moon Right now! Come & Keep Me Company :) <t>A little birdy tells me that they've added a whole new region! So I'll be streaming it.. at least when I discover how to enter it :).<br/> <br/> Edit: Apparently it's not out yet.. much sads :(.</t>
  14. Thank you, although calm? Really.. Wow :p
  15. Probably streaming tomorrow rather than tonight if I get some Pokemon donations :)
  16. Hey trainers, remember me? A large number of you would like me to stream PRO again... mostly likely PVP but one of the reasons why I stopped is that I got a lot of complaints about all of my battles being similar.. I only have around 9 Pokemon to switch in and out.. so to avoid boring or "samey" battles.. I'm reaching out to you guys.. could you perhaps lend me a couple Pokemon for PVP battles? I stream here: And you can see all of my PVP battles to date in the link in the above post!
  17. Re: Streaming Sun & Moon Right now! Come & Keep Me Company :) <r>Streaming again, sorry for the delay!<br/> <br/> <URL url="
  18. Re: Streaming Sun & Moon Right now! Come & Keep Me Company :) <r>Streaming time!<br/> <URL url="
  19. Blinky my Rowlet evolves!! Click here for the full playlist: [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  20. Thank you! Here's the latest episode. Click this link for the entire playlist thus far: [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  21. Here's the 2nd episode guys! You can click the link for the entire playlist: [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  22. You can click the link for the entire playlist: [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  23. Re: Streaming Sun & Moon Right now! Come & Keep Me Company :) <r>Streaming right here: <URL url=" <br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrBhK2e4SNg"><s>[bbvideo=560,315]</s><URL url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrBhK2e4SNg">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrBhK2e4SNg</URL><e>[/bbvideo]</e></BBVIDEO></r>
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