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Everything posted by Heiach

  1. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] See you guys on the next stream soon!
  2. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Here we go! I've been streaming at around 10:30 or 11pm BST lately!
  3. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Yesterday I uploaded all of the vods from twitch to my youtube channel.. for those who're interested in binge watching! [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] And here's today's edited vs episode!
  4. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] What do you think about me continuing my guide?
  5. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Here's 16! How are you liking these btw?
  6. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Here's today's only episode! I'll also be streaming tonight at 11pm BST!
  7. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] And part 13, enjoy! I won't be streaming tonight btw, but maybe soon!
  8. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Here's part 12! Number 13 coming very shortly as well!
  9. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] And the 2nd episode for today!
  10. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Gonna up it to 2 episodes a day now I think, enjoy!
  11. Re: Streaming Pokemon Showdown PVP Right Now! <r>A short stream tonight. Come join us!<br/> <br/> <URL url="
  12. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Hehe thank you! Yeah it was a lot of fun!
  13. Are people still cool with Pokemon Showdown PVP or should I try PRO again?
  14. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Part 6 is right here, enjoy!
  15. Re: Best PVP Battle Ever? - Pokemon Showdown [Video] <r><BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bBvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9fHrvb ... e=youtu.be">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9fHrvbb8og&feature=youtu.be</LINK_TEXT></URL><e>[/bBvideo]</e></BBVIDEO><br/> <br/> I could not stop laughing or keep the smile from my face!<br/> <br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bBvideo=560,315]</s><URL url=" text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzm7mnv ... e=youtu.be">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzm7mnvZ22s&feature=youtu.be</LINK_TEXT></URL><e>[/bBvideo]</e></BBVIDEO><br/> <br/> Aaand episode 5!</r>
  16. Re: Sabo's Channel ! [PVP FIGHT] <t>Ooo he wants to make a video with me, I get it now!</t>
  17. Re: Streaming Pokemon Showdown PVP Right Now! <r>Here we go!<br/> <br/> <URL url="
  18. Re: Sabo's Channel ! [PVP FIGHT] <t>Awesome, I'll check it out! Not sure what An1ma is on about up there though. Perhaps I didn't word my reply very well, at least you got what I meant :).</t>
  19. [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] And the 3rd episode for your pvp pleasure!
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