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Posts posted by Heiach

  1. Check out our video about our guild:




    Hey, we're a very friendly mostly social guild.. looking for lots of people to join if they need a guild and have lots of questions they need help with!

    The guild is entirely made up of our Twitch viewers atm but we're opening it up because, Wynaut right?


    If you want to join, reply here.. or send me a pm, or whisper me on Twitch etc..

    I'll try an add as many people as I can next time I'm online.


    I'm normally online at 6PM GMT.. that's when I stream, so see you guys there!


    I tend to do regular giveaways and viewer/guild member events too!


    Also all praise the mighty Spoink!

  2. Re: Streaming Pokemon Revolution Online Right Now!


    <r>Hey guys, a reminder that we're still streaming most days at 6PM or 10PM GMT.<br/>

    I might actually stream in a few minutes as well :).<br/>

    <URL url="


    Also check out our Hoenn adventures thus far:<br/>

    <URL url="

    text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_jQjC_ ... &index=223">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_jQjC_TwyU&list=PLySWle9ZKHFhYkVSXFES4Qj_hqrt--_ve&index=223</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>
  3. Re: Streaming Pokemon Revolution Online Right Now!


    <r>Streaming Pokemon Revolution Online Tonite - Starting Around 6PM or 10PM GMT Today (19/06/2016 )<br/>


    Come join us then:<br/>

    <URL url="


    Hoenn has been released and I shall be starting my 3rd Pokemon adventure tonite!<br/>


    I shall do my best to do regular streams at either 6PM or 10PM GMT!<br/>


    New episodes coming out tonite:<br/>

    <URL url="

    text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uoq7fQA ... _hqrt--_ve">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uoq7fQAtEQQ&index=156&list=PLySWle9ZKHFhYkVSXFES4Qj_hqrt--_ve</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>
  4. Re: Streaming Pokemon Revolution Online Right Now!


    <r>I shall be streaming Pokemon Revolution Online - Starting Around 10PM GMT Tonight (18/06/2016 ) hopefully!<br/>

    (In 40 mins)<br/>


    <URL url="



    Apparently I hear Hoenn has been released and I need a level 100 Rattata? I guess that's what I'll be doing this stream then, leveling a rat!</r>

  5. Re: Streaming Pokemon Revolution Online Right Now!


    <r>I shall be streaming Pokemon Revolution Online - Starting Around 10-11PM GMT Tonight (18/06/2016 ) hopefully!<br/>


    <URL url="


    Apparently I hear Hoenn has been released and I need a level 100 Rattata? I guess that's what I'll be doing this stream then, leveling a rat!</r>

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