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Lugario last won the day on July 2 2024

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About Lugario

  • Birthday 01/13/1997

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Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. That's a bit dramatic now, isn't? Anyway no one force people to evolve it, they can give it an everyone and never evolve it, like Ash did with his Bulbasaur. It isn't that hard to think, many cute things have a version of them to be "scarier" or "twisted". It's a pvpable Pokemon and it isn't fair for people who encounter a form with usable IVs, not to be able to use it due to that restriction.
  2. Awesome!
  3. +1 I thought every form has to have counterparts for their evolution, yet this one was released without having done form for their evolution. And this one is a pvp Pokemon too, so if someone gets a nice form they won't be able to use it.
  4. Hello @Frenzic010 , Registeel learns Explosion at level 78 in Generation 9, and PRO moved to those mechanics recently. Luckily you can fight Boss Nikola at Unknown Place (Trainers Valley) to have another chance to catch your legendary. You can find more information about him on the PRO Wiki. Here are some suggestions for the future to prevent something like that from happening: Use a Masterball. Use a Pokémon with the Damp ability. Imprison + Explosion (If your Pokémon knows Explosion and has Imprison, the wild Pokémon won’t be able to use it.) I hope those information were useful to you! Kind regards, Lugario
  5. Lugario


    +1 Also I would like to add regarding BCC, we shouldn't have Adamant/Jolly and Timid Spawns huntable at the same time, it should be splited to either Adamant/Jolly at Morning/Day and Timid at night or reverse. Because at the moment we are often encountering pokemon with the wrong sync, then we try our like and get good IVs Pokemon but with the wrong sync. That way would also add more competitive PvE during the competition.
  6. Hello @Ro87 , as the message states, the game is under maintenance at the moment. There is No Estimated Time Approximately for how long it might take. You can follow the PRO Discord Announcments channel to get the latest news regarding client updates and when servers are again online. I hope you have a great day/evening! Kind Regards, Lugario
  7. Congratulations
  8. Hey @Souryunoisen , this is not a bug. You should go there again with a Pokemon that has the Shadow Tag ability and just look around to see where it went. It's there somewhere.
  9. Hmm.. Do you have any other games on the device you are using? If yes, do they also have resolution or gui scale problems? If you enough knowledge to do it, maybe try reinstalling your graphic card drivers or updating them if there's a new version available.
  10. Hello @Maddara and @Jianychta , I have some idea to suggest that maybe could help you out. As I am seeing in your screenshots, you either have selected "Windowed" or "Exclusive Fullscreen" mode selected. Would you please try to select "Fullscreen Window" and then click apply? If it didn't make any difference, try also maybe the following: On "Resolution" select the maximum resolution possible. Maybe then trying to adjust the "GUI Scale" minimum and/or maximum while trying to apply the setting. Even try to restart the client after that. I hope that what I suggested you was useful! Kinda regards, Lugario
  11. Hello everyone, I’d like to suggest adding the option to set our online status from the main menu before logging into the server. Currently, we can choose statuses like "Available" , "Away" and "Offline" while in-game, which is really useful. It would be amazing if we could set these statuses from the main menu as well. Perhaps a "Busy" status could also be introduced for added flexibility. Here’s why I think this would be a great addition: Sometimes, it’s easier and faster to increase Pokémon happiness or do EV training by relogging after using an attack move. However, frequent relogging causes our friends to get constant pop-ups saying, "User X is now online", which can be distracting for them. If we could set our status to "Offline" before relogging, this wouldn’t be an issue. There are times when someone might want to log in without others knowing they’re online. Maybe they just want to quickly get something done or aren’t in the mood to chat. While it’s possible to change the status after logging in, the online pop-up still appears. Being able to set "Offline" from the main menu would solve this. A "Busy" status could help by stopping pop-up messages or blinking friend notifications when someone comes online, allowing users to focus on what they’re doing without interruptions. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my suggestion. I truly hope you’ll consider it! Kind regards, Lugario
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