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Posts posted by Martindaniel98

  1. 249827 1. Trainer resets.

    I highly doubt that this hasn't been mentioned befor. Trainers, once you've progressed are nothing but a nuisance. They slow you down when relocating for trades, slow you down when going for headbutts, slow you down when exploring. The generally slow you down in a meaningless way. Fixes to this a fairly obvious. But there might be also other interesting possibilites beside just turning the resets down.


    2. Headbutt timers.

    24 Hours. Should be 22h. Else it will obviously just shift. A bit bothersome for people who have set shedules.



    1 for the first problem they came up with the teleport pokemon and trainers still give you gold so they are fine in my opinion


    2 I agree on this one if i want to do a daily routine of anything thats 24 hours its not gonna work and you will eventually miss a day, not only for headbut but also valley of steel quest and all other 24hours quest should be reduced to 22

  2. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED]


    <r><QUOTE author="Zeloups"><s>

    </s><POST content="248481"><s></s>248481<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="martindaniel98"><s>
    </s><POST content="248451"><s></s>248451<e></e></POST> Any tips on soothe bell pokes keep wanting them and they are extremely rare in union cave<e>

    you can get two for free, one in celadon (the big building between the market and the pokecenter, 3rd floor talking to npcs), and the second in johto at National Park (you can look for hidden item location in forum).<br/>

    Otherwise you'll have to farm them, which i've to admit is really paintull <E>:confused:</E><e>



    i didnt know about the one in celadon i will go get that one thank you <E>:Grin:</E></r>

  3. even with 6 excavation sites its still hard to get disoveries i got 1000+ artifacts but cant get the fossils yet because I need 1000 more discoveries currently around 4800 gaining 150ish disoveries a day,


    also dont call yourself blind i feel sorry for such a cute pichu :Shy:

  4. 242744 Hi.


    I check bulbapedia, it say Mime jr evolve by level up while knowing Mimic. It also say Mime Jr learn Mimic at level 15. I level up mine to level 16 and it doesn't learn Mimic. When it will learn that move?

    you can check the pokedex is learn it at level 18 in this game

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