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About Blackcat9390

Blackcat9390's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. update #1. c.o 1.5m by Aienma; insta 2.5m
  2. Update, 3rd has been sold for 300k in game.
  3. Hi mate, how much can you pay for this one?
  4. Hi, I want to sell below h.a Vulpix for 48 hours. Fell free to offer me. I may refuse if I think your offer is not good enough. I only accept poke$ or trade with other epic or god pokemon. 1st. godly timid and some other good or epic h.a vulpix 2nd 3rd 4th
  5. As title, I want to sell magmarier for 60k each. Comment here and I will contact to you when I’m online. I also have magmar, charmander and h.a vulpix for sun team if you are interested
  6. Thanks, I have sold many untrained scythers over 600-700k, and none of them better than this one
  7. This must be one of the best scyther in the server. It will belong to whom has the best offer after 72 hours. Start at 1m. Insta 3m. Thank you
  8. thanks for your response. It seems I have lost it.
  9. It seems I released my oddish lvl 7x by accident. Can GM do something to take it back for me? I'm in server yellow. Thank you for your support.
  10. i have a gengar lvl 100 can solo with e4, pm me in game
  11. I want to trade each 3 Ms in blue for 2 Ms in Yellow. Comment here or pm me in here if you are interest.
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