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Everything posted by Araragikun

  1. S.O 1m5 Insta 2m5 Min bid 100k 24 hours after first bid CC:380k RR:700k GL
  2. Scizor 200k
  3. Start jellicent
  4. Start chomp ot wassupuipui
  5. Bump
  6. Noted, pm me for more easily to finish our transaction Araragikun#6874
  7. S.O 700k Insta 1M5 Min bid 100k 48 hours after first bid CC:400k RR:700k
  8. Bump
  9. Bump
  10. Blissey sold,for certain circumstances cannot take the ss of transaction Removed blissey careful btw
  11. Cancelled
  12. Bump
  13. I will buy Rotom hp fire timid and tyran careful 800k
  14. Bump
  15. Noted end in 23 hours 52 Min approximately 2225 hours Malaysia Time GL
  16. Don't worry I got many money to spend 1m7
  17. Bump
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