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  1. I sell it for 400k, idk if is worth
  2. Can u give me the correct price for this?
  3. Start price: 80k Insta: 250k Time: 1 day. My username ingame is Rydeup, pm me or comment in that post for insta.
  4. Start price: 25k Insta: 120k Time: 2 Days
  5. Hello, today is my third day of Black medallion, I've been trying to capture a Cacnea with Water Absorb for 3 days and in these 3 days, I haven't seen a single one with hidden. I have talked to people and also asked about discord support but they say it is all probability. I thought that too, and kept trying. I have searched the two routes that appears Cacnea (Hoenn Desert and 228.) None with h.a. Also doing headbutt in Hoenn many appear and none have had h.a yet. The method I use is Kadabra rash syncronice with Role Play. I would like someone to confirm to me in some way that it is all bad luck of mine and so keep trying because I do not want to risk buying another Black Medallion if it is a bug. I have about 40 Cacneas trapped, if it is probable I must be the person with the worst luck in the world. Thank you for your time, I wait for an answer!
  6. NAME CHANGE Username: Rydeup New Username: UnknownRaven Server to charge the money from: Silver
  7. I have found an error that does not let see the pokemon of the opponent when starting a battle, I have the screen of the chat as proof, the case is that at the beginning he only let me see his clefable and his snorlax, the others did not appear and in the chat only They put those 2 also, the rest I could not see them. I leave chat screen because I could not get it out of the beginning. My intention is not to report the boy because I do not think it's his fault, but losing for this reason is very unfair. I hope you can solve it, greetings. *Srry my bad english i use translate.
  8. Excuse me interfering, defeating Nikola will be able to catch Manaphy XMAS even without being Christmas? We have that doubt.
  9. I am a witness since he was in Discord with him, he has used a lot of pokeballs and still has not been able to catch him, please help him! With restarting the fight now that you have more pokeballs (including master) would be a lot of help.
  11. The auction ends in 24h.
  12. Hello everyone, first of all apologize if I have mistakes when writing since I use a translator. This shiny Combee is at auction for 48h. Start the offer in 1m, if you pay 3m you take it instantly. Any other doubt you can talk to me ingame. *I can accept tt offers. (I will only sell it to the people who comment in this post to be able to carry the auction correctly and with order.)
  13. I've been suffering the same or similar problem for a while and I think I've found the final solution, it's similar to the other solutions and I would not have been able to discover it without them, so thank you very much :) I write it to you in steps: 1- Degrade member to your friend 2- Give the leader to your friend 3- Leave the game and re-enter 4- The friend can now upgrade you to an officer
  14. The problem has been solved, my friend has reinstalled his client and has returned to tohjo falls. Suicune was not in the first waterfall, was in the second, this must be a failure, since the first time he went after talking to the scientist did not appear in either. Thanks for everything and we apologize for the inconvenience, you can close the publication.
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