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Everything posted by Wxfade

  1. Wxfade

    Origin Reborn

    1. Whats your IGN ( In Game Name) WxFade 2. Why do you want to join Origin Reborn? Before I took a brake I was apart of PreHax's guild (paradox) but since I recently got back into I decided to I needed a new guild 3. Do you like PvP? If you do whats your favorite PvP Pokemon and why? I don't pvp 4. Whats your favorite goal in PRO? To fill out the dex and get all of the pokemon 5. Please provide a screenshot of your in game Trainer Card. https://gyazo.com/d632b9b1883324f93e5b9c1342412e32
  2. Silver Server IGN WxFade I was releasing a ton of timburr's and the server crashed and deleted one of the ones I didnt want gone, you can just restore all of them and Ill trash whatever I didnt want. Also 2 timburrs that I have in my slots are also in my PC and I can take them out but it still shows they're in there even after a relog
  3. Level up your own pokemon?
  4. Can you put a picture
  5. did you use it on accident
  6. 550k
  7. I think I had the same problem. I logged in after the update and my masterball was gone out of my inventory
  8. It's a known bug, just relog to fix it
  9. Devs know and are working on a fix
  10. If you want you can go to the move relearner and get the move for 2k $
  11. Is there a way to see what type of ball I used to catch on a Pokemon because when I logged on after the update the ball disappeared and I know I never used it before hand
  12. Both Gold and Silver servers are not available to the userbase right now. Since there are a lot of new features in the update, the staff team are spending lots of time testing and ensuring that the features are ready to be released. This includes testing new moves, sprites and items. Gold server is offline. Silver server is locked so staff can test privately. There is no ETA to when the servers will come back online so please be patient in the meantime. We will update you live on our Discord server when the game server comes back online: Discord Link Please do not create topics on the forum about the server status. They will be locked or deleted.
  13. Can you post a picture of it?
  14. It does indeed. It has a story for each region
  15. I think I might know a fix. So at my resolution (1920x1080) if I do staffview 1 in the console it's the same as (3849x2160). It still has the problem of seeing more when you're not supposed too but if I use HM Flash it fixes it and makes it so you can no longer see the extra bit until you leave and go back in
  16. This should be under https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/65778-url
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