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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hello, im interested in the dratini, tryed to contact you ingame and you were offline, my ingame name is pokemind
  2. Hey, i would like to buy the Azumaril, my in game name is pokemind
  3. Hey, you write you have Ha hp fire 28spd timid Serperior in stock, i didnt see him here, did he already sold?
  4. edited: nvm, saw the answer to my question
  5. Hello, i have very epic h.a one but not shiny, if you intrested you can leave me a msg here or in game (Pokemind).
  6. Hello everyone, Looking for at least : 22 Hp, Def 15 Speed 20 Attack, Sp.def Prefer better ivs if possible, can pay up to 1.5M depeneds on the ivs. Ingame name: Pokemind, you can pm me in game or to leave a msg here. Thanks in advance.
  7. yeah, i saw after i comment (didnt refresh the page first), i edited this comment, thank you.
  8. Hello, would like to buy your garchomp (the 300k impish one), my ingame name pokemind.
  9. Hello, I offer 400k for the slowbro, let me know if you are intrested.
  10. I dont have Discord, can i pm you in game?
  11. i want to buy the milotic
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