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Everything posted by Ramirovic

  1. If you want to join us please fullfill ur application and answer ALL questions correctly. Why do you want to join Eternity? to have more friends and get help and give help to all other members Real name / ingame name: Rami /Ramirovic How old are you? 29 Ur country/ which language(s) do you speak?Tunisia /english Discord name+tag / how often u r online there? Ramirovic everyday What is your goal on pro/are you interested in pvp/already pvping? getting a strong pvp team Screenshot of your trainercard After u get ur application role in our discord it is important to docialize with us that we can see if you fit in our guild!
  2. Ramirovic

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Ramirovic 2. Number of hours played? 330 H 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Charizard 4. How old are you? (Optional) 29 years
  3. Pseudo dans le jeu : Ramirovic Temps de jeu : 377 Âge : 29 ans Quelques mots sur vous : je veux bien etudier pokemon et rejoindre une guilde active. Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : J'ai complete les 4 regions Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : Former une belle equipe pour PVP Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? Je suis actif dans le jeu et passionné et pret a aider. Pseudo Discord : Ramirovic
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