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  1. ● What's your IGN? Talitogue ● How old are you? 27 ● Where are you from? Spain ● What's your total playtime? 671h ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? What I enjoy the most is PVE, daycare, hunting and making money ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) (if not, it's totally alright!) As a returning player I used to do daycare service all the time, so it will be my pleasure to do it for the guild. And the most important question of them all: Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? -Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof? It has to be Suidoof for sure, trully a God among Gods
  2. What's your in-game name? Talitogue ● How old are you? 27 ● Are you active in Discord? Yes I am ● Where are you from? Spain ● What's your total playtime? 667 hours ● What's your goal in PRO? Just to have fun ● What do you enjoy while playing the game? I love the PVE, daycaring and making money ● Why do you want to be part of the guild? I want to enjoy the game with more people, I'm a returning player that left because I was playing alone. ● What's your favourite Pokemon and why? Squirtle, I got it as a plushie when I was really young and loved him since then, still keep it.
  3. Closed as no offer came by
  4. ● What's your Name/IGN? - Talitogue ● How old are you? - 25 years old ● Are you active in Discord? - Yes ● Where are you from? - Spain ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? - 520 Hr. I play 4h daily. ● What's your goal in PRO? - I want to improve in pvp/help the guild with daycare/have fun with the guild. ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? - I want to be part of an awesome guild. ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? - Charizard because of nostalgia ● What's your favorite animal and why? - Cats because they are cute
  5. SOLD
  6. Nombre de Usuario: Talitogue Discord(Opcional): Tali#8400 Horas Jugadas: 110 ¿Juegas PvP o te interesaría aprender?: Me interesaría aprender ¿Por qué te gustaría entrar?: Siempre he jugado solo, y me gustaría conocer más gente de habla hispana
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