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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. Ign: Knuckles I would love to win the switch because I would love to be able to play it with my 4 year old son and 3 year old daughter and show them some cool games. Haven't been around a lot lately bit been working on playing more again now. Always have been around checking in on game progression ever since leaving the team, and must say Shane and team are doing a GREAT JOB!!
  2. https://prntscr.com/ble7ey + https://prntscr.com/ble7p4 + https://prntscr.com/ble7x6 + https://prntscr.com/ble82w + https://prntscr.com/ble87x + https://prntscr.com/ble8fo + https://prntscr.com/ble8oe + https://prntscr.com/ble8w3 + https://prntscr.com/ble96v + https://prntscr.com/ble9h5 + https://prntscr.com/ble9ln + https://prntscr.com/blea0c + x2 Membership Thats my offer, all of that for it.
  3. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="MayElesa"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> sounds good pm me when done<e> </e></QUOTE> Your order is done :)<e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> sounds good, I will try and hop on this evening to pick up, still 760k?</r>
  4. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="MayElesa"><s> </e></QUOTE> 53k (ev train) + 195k (25% increase) + 6k (Earthquake) + 6k (Roost) + 2k (Toxic) = 262k <QUOTE author="Knuckles"><s> </e></QUOTE> 53k (ev train) + 155k + 5k (Will-O-Wisp) = 213k <QUOTE author="Knuckles"><s> </e></QUOTE> 53k (ev train) + 200k (25% increase) + 15k (Stealth Rock) + 15k (Leech Seed) + 2k (Thunder Wave) = 285k<br/> <br/> Total = 760k<e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> sounds good pm me when done</r>
  5. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <t>Gligar - Gliscor: lvl 14 - 100 : Evs: 244 Hp, 64 Def, 200 Spdef : moves: Earthquake, Roost, Toxic, Knock Off<br/> <br/> Fletchling - Talonflame: lvl 18 - 100: Evs: 252 hp, 252 atk, 6 speed: moves: Brave Bird, Will-O-Wisp, Roost, Flare Blitz<br/> <br/> Ferroseed - Ferrothorn lvl 13 - 100: Evs: 252 hp, 88 def, 168 spdef: moves: Gyro ball, Stealth Rock, Leech Seed, Thunder-Wave</t>
  6. Great Sassy Ferroseed!! SERIOUS OFFERS ONLY!! Best Offer ingame: ON HOLD Instant:ON HOLD Having raised will check on selling after its done:
  7. Re: Selling epic iv timid shiny staryu lvl 65 <t>Technically he did agree to am offer when said he could instant for 1.8m the seller said okay and to log on and add, then when offered the asking instant changed mind, that's imo possible for report however I think that before all this is blown out of proportion just let am have the option to pay the 2.2 before Irayafel since you did say okay to the 1.8. Either way thus is up to the seller</t>
  8. Re: Selling epic iv timid shiny staryu lvl 65 <t>I'll give 2 Shiny Azurill for it which I believe meets that insta value or more</t>
  9. Shiny drowzee + shiny ratatta + shiny delibird for it
  10. Re: Shiny Starmie/ Ends on Sunday/ Co: 800k <t>S Azurill for it</t>
  11. Autobot I want that ferroseed, I'll trade a few battlers for it but I'm heading to work in a few mins and won't be on til tomorrow evening if you have it then maybe we can work out a deal, cause I can't ever seem to knock one out of a tree myself lol
  12. Hello knuckles can you screenshot both pokes and send post to this forum ,please. So is this traded now?
  13. I will offer x2 Shiny Azuril for it!!
  14. I get off work at 4 p.m. central Time and when I get home I will jump on thank you
  15. Where did you catch this?
  16. ok pm me in the game okay I'll be working all day today but I'll be on this evening if you're on when I'm on I will meet up with you if not can you give me a time zone because I work a lot but I will try to find a way to get in at some point to trade
  17. Removed offer lf a bold one sorry
  18. Re: wts shiny squirtle <t>Did you not get my pm?</t>
  19. Bump: edits some sold:
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