Re: WTB Epic Implish Hippopotas, Offer More than 3M!
<t>Finding a hippo like that is going to be a long shot, I do believe that my Impish Hippo is the best ingame currently: <br/>
Impish: lvl 100: evd<br/>
Atk: 29<br/>
Def: 31(max)<br/>
Spatk: 14<br/>
Spdef: 23<br/>
Spd: 8<br/>
Hp: 6<br/>
moves: Ice Fang, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Fang<br/>
meets a lot of your requirements, and surpasses the atk and def: Of course i wouldnt expect 3m for it because of hp but if you want to throw me a decent offer maybe we can make a deal. i do use it in my battle team atm cause its such a tank. I havent seen a better one yet.</t>