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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. Best offer Ingame: 4m Dragondark 24 Hour timer started!!
  2. that is a staff members Shiny Dratini, not a normal player: it can't be traded, and its value is WAY more than 15m
  3. Re: training ur pokemon!For cheap deals! <t>Do you ev train as well? If so ill pay more<br/> your prices are nice</t>
  4. Re: [(S)Rhyhorn,(S)Cleffa,Heracross Guts...Big update!!!] HUNTER VNS2's SHOP <t>I will give 500k offer for the S rhyhorn, or 600k for instant sell</t>
  5. 500k for it
  6. Shiny Dragonite shows its not listed for sale: its the only of my pokemon thats not. You can begin offering on S electivire if you choose though
  7. Re: WTB Epic Implish Hippopotas, Offer More than 3M! <t>Finding a hippo like that is going to be a long shot, I do believe that my Impish Hippo is the best ingame currently: <br/> <br/> Impish: lvl 100: evd<br/> Atk: 29<br/> Def: 31(max)<br/> Spatk: 14<br/> Spdef: 23<br/> Spd: 8<br/> Hp: 6<br/> <br/> moves: Ice Fang, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Fang<br/> <br/> meets a lot of your requirements, and surpasses the atk and def: Of course i wouldnt expect 3m for it because of hp but if you want to throw me a decent offer maybe we can make a deal. i do use it in my battle team atm cause its such a tank. I havent seen a better one yet.</t>
  8. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 4 <r><QUOTE author="no123"><s> </e></QUOTE> No offer yet, it is now a Dragonite lvl 100 EVd in Atk/Spd 252 rest in Def. Throw me a good offer<e> </e></QUOTE> oh wow...i planned on buying it like that and doing all ev training and leveling my self..<br/> got only around 50k.<e> </e></QUOTE> Sorry way to low for that Drago. Thanks though</r>
  9. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 4 <r><QUOTE author="no123"><s> </e></QUOTE> No offer yet, it is now a Dragonite lvl 100 EVd in Atk/Spd 252 rest in Def. Throw me a good offer</r>
  10. Im sorry to say that this game is beta and therefore crashes are expected and will happen: Staff are not responsible for the loss of pokemon due to the crash, however I am sorry that you lost it, it will not be replaced even if wanted it couldnt be as since it was not caught and saved in the server there is no ID to recall and bring back. sorry but that will have to be a loss to take. What pokemon was it just curious?
  11. Re: Shiny Staryu <t>I hope you plan on selling that to me</t>
  12. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    the chat command without being friends don't work: When you get on type /friend Boubye and if he is on it will send him a friend request and and he will add you and send you a guild joined request. Welcome I like the story1
  13. Re: where is desert lagoon <r><QUOTE author="Dynasty"><s> </e></QUOTE> <URL url="https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/">https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/</URL></r>
  14. 100k on bagon
  15. https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/ you can keep an eye here
  16. I am predicting Mamoswine, just as you ride one in x and y will already be a easy one to copy sprites pixels
  17. Fossils I believe are 1/1500 chance of being shiny
  18. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 3 <r><QUOTE author="KingCavalier"><s> </e></QUOTE> No thanks, not looking at less than 1.7m for that if i let it go for that, as I may use it for battle team.</r>
  19. I offered you 1.5m ingame yesterday
  20. Shiny Pikachu Jolly good ivs + Shiny Bronzor for it
  21. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Shadow you sound dedicated and I love the dedication!! We will be glad to have you. Please contact my co-leader boubye ingame for him to add you to guild.
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