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Everything posted by Platingsquare

  1. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 35+ PVP ready Poke/ 30+ untrained ♦ [50% DISCOUNT ON EVERYTHING - 6/20/17] <t>Why have you blocked out OT on the Pokés</t>
  2. Im sorry Im still Fresh of learning i personly think Its a hazel to just post a topic
  3. im just wondering what about the quirky nature
  4. Thx i have been asking in help chat but just been ignored this is going to be a awsome help!
  5. Hi i have question whats the best ability and nature for Numel ? Im going to evolve it later to a Camerupt and i would rather have a pritty bulky and special attacker becuase i assume thats whats supposed to be good at, Well thx in advance ?
  6. Hi! is it possible that someone could help train one of my rattatas so that i can get to hoenn quicker ? ATM im training on Blue server please leave a answer below :thanks:
  7. Re: some nub trying to introduce himself :x <t>Hi! Welcome to Pokemon Revolution online forums. You can always ask for help. There is a social listing with support,rules,live chat and much more! To (almost) every question there is a answer :)</t>
  8. I'm not one of the makers nor do i have the authority to say what they will do, but i know that the PC Box is set just like in the original games wich is what i think there for nothing more nothing less.Besides It would be pritty complicated to do it the way you want it i think.Becuase then you kinda have to duplicate them and that just wouldn't work well
  9. Thanks! i will try it! i knew almost all of it just not png part and a bit more and thank you guys for the direct showing i would thank you guys but i don't know how really
  10. How do i get the cool profile pictures and the pictures below the profile to work ? Cause everytime i try to change to a personal profile picture it says to long url or to big or invalid or error or to big and i don't really want to have this close-up pic forever. no offense i think they are really cool standard pictures :thanks:
  11. I have a machoke at lvl 45 and i have traded IT with a freind and gotten IT back so IT could evolve but IT didnt work instead his kadabra beacame Alakzame and when i have traded with others IT Will still not evolve why is that pls answer me ASAP ?
  12. Don't sell that IT Will be so usefule and they really just are a power house
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