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Everything posted by Incubus

  1. That's unfortunate :[ I understand. Thank you very much! :)
  2. This game has some unique memorable music and I'd love to listen to them on my phone. Any idea how to get them? :)
  3. You need to teach Parasect Stun Spore first. After that it can learn Spore from the move relearner. Now that's weird.. If that's a solution, thank you very much sir.
  4. I erased spore and replaced it with another move because I was arranging my moves order, and when I spoke to the Move Buffet, I couldn't even find Spore on the list. I even re-logged, thinking it might be a bug or something and it's still not there! I spoke to the staff in the game and they ignored me because they couldn't handle all the n00bs asking for free stuff, events and stupid questions like (WAT LVL CHARMANDR EVOLV!?) and (HOW DOZ U GET PIKACHU!?!?!?!?). Thank you.
  5. what about, they are working on different things? such as event, more unique stuff, getting every move/ability in the game, adding all needed pvp items and so on this is one these things, that is on the bottom of their list I suggest you should be in charge of the game.
  6. Someday means never in English. Thank you for your support, though.
  7. The title says it all. It might sound useless to some stupid people, but this is needed. Pokemon games are not pokemon games unless we have the ability to rearrange our pokemon's moves slots. THIS IS HIGHLY NEEDED. PLS SIR. :Smile: Thank you! :kiss:
  8. An extremely fat kitten.
  9. I don't know in which section this thread belongs to, but after I've seen people ask their questions here and there aren't any help/support forums, I'll just go ahead and post it here. I've asked the same questions in the chat in the game, but no one answers me. I hope I can get my answers here ._. I want to ask if these moves and abilities work: Moves: Heavy Slam Gyro Ball Payback Abilities: Heavy Metal Trace Moxie Sniper Thanks.
  10. Magikarp from the Magikarp salesman in the PC. It was like only 2 hours playtime XD
  11. Lettttt's get baaaaack to businesssss! >:3
  12. Oh, thank you all. <3 I'm starting to get interested in this band. A lot of people are so into it. I've listened to few of their songs and I didn't like them much. Maybe I'm listening to the wrong songs? What songs do you suggest me to start with? <3
  13. Thanks everyone! Oh, such a sweet community <3
  14. That's not nice. I'm the worst of the worst! :( Anyways! Thanks for the welcoming. I tried to download the game but no downloading screen shows up. What's going on? Is the game limited for evil people? :(
  15. Welcome, to the world of darkness. I am Incubus, the demon! The evilest of the evil! The ultimate lord of darkness! The grandmaster of all things bad! I R EVUL! >:3
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