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Everything posted by Cellus

  1. It is unfortunate that you feel like there is a "really heavy salty tone" to the post but this is not at all the message I am trying to convey. I made sure I started the post off on a positive note to make sure none of you felt as if I was being salty about this Pokemon :Angel: But Talonflame cannot come switch into the battle as easily as Rhyperior due to the omnipresent move called Stealth Rock. Talonflame and Garchomp can also be revenge-killed by common moves such as Ice Shard and Extremespeed while Rhyperior cannot. Rhyperior's typing defensively is not great but if you pair Rhyperior with the correct supportive Pokemon it is just cheat mode. Rhyperior's typing offensively on the other hand is broken. If you look at the calculations I have provided, you can see that nearly every single Pokemon that has a type advantage over Rhyperior dies to its attacks. So you have to sacrifice your entire team in order to effectively beat it which is not an efficient way at beating Rhyperior. I too agree that PRO would benefit from the addition of tiers similar to Smogon. I appreciate your response and I hope you have a great day. :y: First of all, thank you for being so kind. Most people would get mad on reading negative comments from others. I understood all your examples and I do agree that a banded Rhyperior looks OP to the metagame. But thats just the way competitive Pokemon is. I remember when Blissey and Forretress combo was OP, when Garchomp came out, then Talonflame with its Gale Wings, any poke with Shell Smash or even using a Weakness Policy user. Pokemons and strategies that stand out will always be part of the game. I bet that you could write a similar thread about Chomp and Talon, or how a Multiscale Ddance Dragonite is so powerful. That is why Smogon tiers would be really helpful to the pvp. Anyways, I just think that Rhyperior isn't so OP that it has to be banned. That would apply to a lot of Pokemon and the meta would always be unbalanced in some way.
  2. Same. Some good arguments were used but there is a really heavy salty tone on it I just came back to the game and haven't played PVP yet, but from my experience battling competitively, Rhyperior hits hard but gets countered hard because of its typing. It is a matter of adapting to it, just like people adapt to all dem Talonflames and Garchomps. Maybe there is a discussion on it already, but using Smogon's tiers - or atleast using its principles to develop new tiers to PRO - would help. Talonflame and others would belong to OU, for instance. Other players that like to use low-profile pokes (like me) could play in UU or NU.
  3. Re: Catch Celebi - The Chrono Traveler [Celebi Quest Part 1+2+3+Final)] <r><QUOTE author="Sulux"><s> </e></QUOTE> Your GS Ball is in your Key Items inventory. But I bet you saw that already</r>
  4. Idk if it has been discovered before, but I just got a Soothe Bell from a NPC in Celadon Office 3F (the building right next to the Celadon Mart) I talked to Dimitri, said Yes to his question if the mappers of the game are doing a good job, and he gave me the item. I didnt take a pic, so if anyone cares to check it out it would be nice.
  5. Re: 365 days of Christmas: MacCollin's Pokefarm (updated VikTim donations 19.01.16) <t>Nice project. I would be happy to help you with it, but I don't know how you are accepting the donations. Should I contact you whenever I feel like it?<br/> <br/> Anyways, my IGN is Cellus and I have plenty of Kanto and Johto spare pokemons =)</t>
  6. You're welcome! Sorry if I appeared rude in my post before. I was probably stressed the time I posted it lol
  7. Lol hollowed, if you really know the concept of EV training you would know that it doesn't matter which level you maximize the EVs of your pokemon. So, it doesn't matter if you train your Gastly at lvl 20 with Pidgeys or you take it to Diglett's Cave to gain some levels while training. If your future Gengar has 252 speed, in both situations it will reach the same max speed at lvl 100. Get it now?
  8. Hi. While I was in battle while my Starmie (which was burned) against the Altaria of the Officer Wargreymon, I noticed that when the Altaria used Perish Song, the burn of my pokemon has gone. The Altaria fainted after 3 turns, so I guess that part of the move is working properly
  9. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>Not trying to be an a**, just noticing that you did not add the Power Plant route's waters (which is Route 9/10)<br/> <br/> And for the Diglett's Cave thing I was just talking about the Zubats<br/> <br/> Good index tho, pretty useful</t>
  10. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>There are some you didnt mention:<br/> <br/> For atk EVs in Kanto, the Power Plant route's waters are really good. Goldeens, Seaking, Krabbys and eventually a Buizel to catch.<br/> <br/> For speed EVs in Kanto, the first floor of Digletts Cave also has Zubats, that give 1 speed EV (2 with Macho Brace). It is pretty close to a Pokecenter (Vermillion's) and the levels of the pokemon is quite low, probably the best spot to train those speed fellas<br/> <br/> Finally, for HP EVs training in Viridian Forest, keep in mind that Caterpies also help.<br/> <br/> Oh, and for the HP/def EVs combo, you can try the Viridian Forest again. Hoothoots + Caterpies for HP and Kakunas/Metapods for DEF, all of them low leveled, which helps a ton</t>
  11. I agree with your thoughts Zinsmiter. One thing though, as much as I would like to use a Focus Sash in PvP myself, I understand if the staff chooses to make it a one time only item, using the same logic as it would be for PvE. Maybe it is easier to code than to give a 'new' usage to an item just because it is used in PvP. What I know for sure is that the staff needs to come and clarify. Since the implement of the Ranked PvP, it is definitely an issue to have loose ends like this
  12. Hey. In Love Island I just fished a Tentacool, a Krabby and a Corsola, with a Good Rod, at daytime. Also a Psyduck and Slowpoke lol basically every water pokemon avaliable while surfing Just fyi
  13. Update with current offer for Starmie, ending December 12th
  14. Hello and welcome to my shop! I accept Pokedollars only! Unless we can both agree on a good trade for both of us =) General rules: 1 - The buyer makes the offer; 2 - I will start an auction (which will last 3 days) if I see a value I like And I expect everyone to follow the basic ground rules of trading we see around here! Let's be polite with each other =) Items: for Starmie, ending 12/12 at 3pm GMT-3 Thank you and please come again!
  15. Great guide mate, thank you
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