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About Thestylee

  • Birthday 09/10/1996

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  1. I want to buy a torchic /blaziken with nature adamant,ability speed boost.the prefferabile ivs: attack :30-31 , speed 29-30-31 , hp > 28 and the rest of them whatever.pm on game let a reply here,im paying well .we discuss more in private.thank u!
  2. Thank u for fast answer. One more question, the chance is influenced by poketime?
  3. How the title say,where do i have a better chance rate on ralts?route 102 hoenn or love island ?
  4. August 23, 2016 - Fixed Dragonite with Outrage (priority after first usage) - Added Sleep Talk while Pokemon using it is awake That means i can use outrage move on ranked battles?
  5. Nobody want take it ? :Bored:
  6. Your Ingame name: TheStylee Pokemon's name: Clefairy He's lv 12 and i would like it get lv 95 and full ev trained( 252 hp,128 deff 128 sp deff) :d
  7. 1. You can trade Hoenn pokemon if both of the players involved in the trade have the 8th Hoenn badge. 2. You can still trade evolve at level 100, however it's always best to fully evolve a pokemon at level 98-99, don't wait till the very last chance :) If you need the trade evolution I can help you, on which server are you? Just as a tip,the players that makes a trade where is involved in trade a hoenn pokemon don't need 8th hoenn badge .For example,i just arrived in hoenn and i bought a gyarados pokemon from hoenn.
  8. How i said,the requirment is to be a hoenn champion(e4 done) Ok then,i've calmd down then.gonna try before talk :D
  9. Hi.Just finished 8th hoenn gym .Is any method to go back to kanto before e4 or i have to be a hoenn champion to do it?I mean,i have no money left (just 8k) and i'm out of potions and revives.I can't beat them without visit the kanto before and dig some items..
  10. Hi all of you! Your Ingame name:TheStylee Pokemon's name: Ninetails Starting/Finishing level: Not level,ev training Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?:N/A , 255 spatack 255 spd
  11. Paypal is the only method we can pay for coins?
  12. Hi again -.- .. i've had this topic : ht tp :// pokemon-revolution-online . net/Forum/ viewtopic.php?f =16&t=37631 but it was closed and i hadn't all the anwers .. that allows me to have 4 accounts that can interract between them but w/o proxy. Can u please,explain me what proxy means and this setquence ". If you are found linked with someone via proxy you will be banned if a ban issued is an IP ban. " means ?
  13. Hi guys!How titled said,i wanna ask if im allowed to have to accounts and to interract bettween them(trades,for example) ?
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