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Everything posted by Mipha

  1. Heyy Mipha! *adjusts monocle* Thank you :3 (Insert imaginary thumbs up because too many smilies Q.Q) mhm yw <-<) yw,,
  2. Oh hello Raii the pusheen :Crazy: Welcome :Smile:
  3. Wow I found you Spyko D:< wow.. 1 post lol >u> you better catch up with me more posting :Smile: Don't forget to change your avatar and your signature =u= have fun trolling around in forum w/o me :Grin: Welcome to the pro btw owned 121 pokemon now -u- :Crazy:
  4. Hello :Grin: I love your work! Can you edit my avatar just like your red avatar? https://prntscr.com/885wa1 And make me a sign of Pichu :Smile: Pm me how much, I can pay in-game money :Shy:
  5. FirelordSin you're my savior! Thanks for the great guide :Smile: Can you list the rare pokemon on topic introduction too? :Grin: Well I was wondering what's the other two ms I've been hunting though so far I know is Misdreavus and Litwick but its' Spiritomb? And Duskull right? And do you know what held item they hold? :confused:
  6. You should re-Edit your topic introduction incase. Don't forget to put what rewards are there; Berries, Abandoned pokeball : Bellsprout/Horsea/Growlithe, and TM23- Dragon Rage. Rewards not just far right.. You have to go top right twice then to south-east. Passing the green patch ground/mushrooms- you know :Grin:
  7. Oh nice :Grin: You put the guide up for getting Cinnabar key :Smile: Though it'll be easier if you post the image on it too, in case for little kids? Don't we jump on 3rd line (3rd door) after Weezing go pass all the way to right? :Shy:
  8. Re: PRO Donation and MS Purchase <r>Thanks for letting us know Neltharion <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  9. Mipha

    Rare Hunters

    Hello! I would like to join your guild Knuckles. IGN : Mipha | Age : 20 Reason : Love to be Rare Hunter, hunting rare Pokemon/compete in battles and be active ^^ Just caught Shinx today so it'll be like a ticket to your guild :D https://prntscr.com/87kk4c
  10. Thanks Thanos 'o' Thank you Kresnik owo lol the best trainer MMO xD so yeah same we're all new~ and alright thank you very much owo Thanks mephilist and sure maybe -u-)b Thank you WarGreymon ^^ P.S. sorry late reply/post 'o')7 i'll try my best posting back alot~
  11. Thanks MrOsi!
  12. Thank you guys <3
  13. I'm Mipha. Nice to meet you. Best wishes to all~! ♪ ♫ ♬
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