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Everything posted by Mipha

  1. Oh cool :Grin: Username; Mipha Human/Trainer Reference;(Just human?) Yep Human/Trainer She have two ponytails. Beanie hat. Pokemon Reference;(Just Pokemon?) Pichu! Well if its hard then go do Pikachu. Background?; No background like transparent if you can. Any specific expression/pose?; Happy expression, carried pokemon in the arm Payment; 30k + 20k (tip) = 50k *extra info;; Do your best :Smile:
  2. Hey Carlos :o Okarin and GlHf haven't been online for so long :Cry: you should drop their signatures in their pm// *Bookmark :Smile:
  3. Wow Gradiusic didn't know you made a shop though I know you made a guild banner for us. I guess I didn't see this shop forum post up first :Shocked: I couldn't sleep so I kept myself looking around in this art forum to see artists' banners/arts. Great gallery shop you made, signatures too :Shy: Going to bookmark it -w-) watching your shop~!
  4. Wow! Pretty good drawing Clearrose! :Grin: Can you draw Roserade for me? After you're done drawing Glaceon, Mew, and Electrike.
  5. Re: Selling / Trading Pokemon / Medallions <r>*bookmark <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  6. Hello :o Aw sorry I don't :c Good luck~!
  7. Hello Yoshi, welcome to PRO~! :Smile:
  8. Oh hello :o I don't sorry, but I have two elect which are really bad nature/ivs; I could give you one free if you like? hmm is not necessary, thanks :) Oh okay buddy~ no prob! Good luck ^^
  9. Oh hello :o I don't sorry, but I have two elect which are really bad nature/ivs; I could give you one free if you like?
  10. Re: [Art Freebies] OC Art Request <r><E>:Frown:</E></r>
  11. Thanks I don't have much stuff yet, but I'll update it every week or so Mm your welcome~ and alright, can't wait to see them! :Shy: Same goes for me too~ update my shop forum.
  12. Hey Synapse :Grin: Nice shop! Bookmark it~! :Smile:
  13. Re: Item Locations + discription! [uPDATED: Deep Sea Scale + Dawn Stone] <r><QUOTE author="Dexy"><s> </e></QUOTE> And from seafoam bf4 -lapras too~!</r>
  14. Re: Item Locations + discription! [uPDATED: Deep Sea Scale + Dawn Stone] <r><QUOTE author="saylas"><s> </e></QUOTE> koffing at burned tower saylas and thanks'</r>
  15. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><QUOTE author="kenny1am"><s> </e></QUOTE> sure I'll put you on reserve list</r>
  16. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><QUOTE author="ScarlettRose"><s> </e></QUOTE> DJ Sona <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  17. Re: Item Locations + discription! [uPDATED: Deep Sea Scale + Dawn Stone] <r>Agrodark do you know where to get prism scale and assault vest? <E>:confused:</E></r>
  18. Thanks & lol :Crazy: mm your welcome :Smile: lol
  19. Re: Ethaliwyr's Poke'Shop <r><QUOTE author="Ethaliwyr"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks, glad it is liked.<e> </e></QUOTE> mm your welcome ^^</r>
  20. Re: PokeDexy Shop (>^=^)> <r>Good luck Dexy <E>:Grin:</E> Can't wait to see more~! *Bookmark</r>
  21. Re: Ethaliwyr's Poke'Shop <r>Nice shop <E>:Smile:</E> I'll bookmark your topic <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  22. Awesome good idea :Smile:
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