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Posts posted by Imhanjoo

  1. ● What's your Name/IGN? Retropunk

    ● How old are you? I am sorry, but im not comfortable telling my age.

    ● Are you active in Discord?Yes

    ● Where are you from? Phillipines

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 801 hours to be exact.

    ● What's your goal in PRO? To become an admin, but in order to achieve that goal i need to understand the game first.

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I have thought that this guild will help me learn.

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?I love all pokemon.

    ● What's your favorite animal and why? Dogs because they are loyal to their masters.


    Check ur pms

    • Like 2
  2. I am on the silver server I am looking for a guild to join I am a daily player


    Age: 33

    Location: United States

    Favorite animal: Lion


    Sry for the inconvienence but there is an applicaion format to apply for our guild.


    ● What's your Name/IGN?

    ● Are you active in Discord?

    ● Where are you from?

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?

    ● What's your goal in PRO?

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    ● What's your favorite animal and why?


    If possible can you answer these questions?

  3. ● What's your Name/IGN?Mico8000

    ● How old are you?15

    ● Are you active in Discord?Yes

    ● Where are you from?Phillipines

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?around 200 hours

    ● What's your goal in PRO?Hunt strong pokemon/PVP

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?discover more friend

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?greninja because that is my favorite as a kid

    ● What's your favorite animal and why?Dog because they are friendly


    Hmm.. I found ya in another guild

  4. Is it problematic making the command just /pm dude? I don't think which problems could potentially make in this way, easier and faster command.


    I agree to your point.

    It will be nice if you dont have to write your names down.


    /pm imhanjoo-=-paski ---> into ---> /pm paski




    /pm imhanjoo-=-paski-=-retropunk-=-prehax ---> into ---> /pm paski-=-retropunk-=-prehax


    Since its kinda hard to type in all of that when you play PRO with your phone.

  5. ● What's your Name/IGN? Mrfruit17

    ● How old are you? 18

    ● Are you active in Discord? yes

    ● Where are you from? usa

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? around 1400 hours

    ● What's your goal in PRO? hunt event/shiny, pvp eventually

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? never really been in guild, wanna see what its like

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? rhyperior, it was my favorite as a kid

    ● What's your favorite animal and why? none


    check ur pms

  6. What's your Name/IGN?

    ● How old are you?=12

    ● Are you active in Discord?=yes

    ● Where are you from?=Serbia

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?=playtime in PRO is about 500 hrs and i play PRO everyday


    ● What's your goal in PRO?=to get a shiny klefki

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?=Because i wanna have more friends and talk with them and also try to help them if they are in trouble finding pokemons

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?=Crawdaunt because it's ha boosts his water and dark moves and with life orb its op and it 1 hits pretty much all fire pokemons

    ● What's your favorite animal and why?=a dog because it's very friendly and nice


    This is my first time applying for a guild so i'm not entirely sure where to put this but


    ● What's your Name/IGN? KatonItami

    ● How old are you? 18 years of age

    ● Are you active in Discord? Very

    ● Where are you from? London, England

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? I'm starting to play practically everyday

    ● What's your goal in PRO? I'd like to become known for something, whether it be helping new people or being an aspiring pvper

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I spoke with one of the memebers and they seemed really nice and I'm hoping the rest of the community is just the same ^^

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Haunter as they have gaseous body and also silently stalk their prey being silent but deadly

    ● What's your favorite animal and why? Probably a wolf as they have loyalty as well as being rather playful


    I'm not the best at PRO however I hope you will all help me ^^


    Can you guys check ur pms :3

  7. HuntEvent.png.f7f3552dfcd289fa8ac7bfc0270762c2.png

    It's Christmas time everyone! One of the most beautiful time of the year. As some of you guys know I've returned back to PRO recently and wanted to thank all of our Chaos members for waiting me for a long time. In return, I've decided to host a hunt event. Since, there will be a big change over the weekend (from Friday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59 GMT) on the spawn rate of Xmas themed pokemon, we will be hunting Xmas pokemon. This event will be valid for Chaos members only and the prizes for the event was donated by @imhanjoo. Special thanks to all the artists who made the Xmas themed pokemon and the ones @Cames @buyshinynair @Kaminokage @Justyuno @CyBeR54 who have helped me open this event.


    Let's see who is the luckiest hunter in Chaos !! Have fun guys :3





    1. Using any kind of automation software, haking or editing the PRO game/client is prohibited.

    2. Only pokemon that was caught after the event started will be accepted (ID will be checked).

    3. The submitted pokemon needs to have your OT.

    4. The event will be held in Chaos discord (No register needed).





    [ Tier 1 ]




    ( Mareep )



    ( Sandshrew )



    ( Sentret )




    [ Tier 2 ]



    Christmas_Stantler_2016.png.b8be9eb32d948ad094ea3b3da1e23b6c.png Christmas_Stantler_2017.png.ee4c9e3da53fd52c11cf67b2db7cc0c1.png

    ( Stantler )



    ( Teddiursa )




    [ Tier 3 ]




    ( Farfetch'd )




    [ Tier 4 ]




    ( Snorunt )



    ( Vulpix )



    ( Pikachu )



    ( Skitty )




    [ Tier 5 ]




    ( Dedenne )




    [ Tier 6 ]




    ( Buneary )




    [ Tier 7]




    ( Litwick )




    [ Tier 8 ]




    ( Dratini )



    ( Treecko )



    ( Torchic )



    ( Mudkip )



    ( Ralts )



    ( Riolu )



    ( Axew )



    ( Munchlax )



    ( Swablu )




    [ Tier 9 ]




    ( Eevee )



    ( Snover )







    [ First Place ]

    3x Coin Capsule cc.png.f4d667ea9570334f357a57fcdae7d7e0.png + 1x 30-Days Membership 30dms.png.cc3af1fa23ab7f2f7ab6cd74e68e0063.png


    [ Second Place ]

    2x Coin Capsule cc.png.f4d667ea9570334f357a57fcdae7d7e0.png + 1x 15-Days Membership 15dms.png.b39094c6d77fb1bf8fdf84b942a6d510.png


    [ Third Place ]

    1x Coin Capsule cc.png.f4d667ea9570334f357a57fcdae7d7e0.png + 1x Black Membership bms.png.39295bc1afa6b0714868ab81a6934fbd.png


    [ Fourth Place ]

    1x 15-Days Membership 15dms.png.11fb4dcffcb29e35a45e5b65c2b08f37.png + 1x Black Membership bms.png.39295bc1afa6b0714868ab81a6934fbd.png



    [ Additional Prize ]

    The most talkative and helpful member will receive 1x Coin Capsule as a reward (The more you talk in discord, the more chance of winning this reward).





    For this event, only Xmas themed pokemon will be accepted. Calculating the points of each pokemon will be easy. Both nature and ability will not be valued as points. Only the ivs and encounter rarity will be valued. The total points of each pokemon will be calculated as <Total ivs + Encounter Rarity Gain>. The encounter rarity gain is given minimum of 0 and up to maximum of 120, based on the encounter rate of the pokemon.


    [ Encounter Rarity Gain Table ]



    ( Tier 1 ) 000

    ( Tier 2 ) 020

    ( Tier 3 ) 040

    ( Tier 4 ) 060

    ( Tier 5 ) 070

    ( Tier 6 ) 080

    ( Tier 7 ) 090

    ( Tier 8 ) 100

    ( Tier 9 ) 120




    Our discord bot can calculate your points, if you write ^calc and post a picture of the pokemon!




    ( Please crop the screenshot like the image above before using the ^calc command )



    ( Just type in 1 )



    ( Just type in 1 )



    ( You will receive the total points of the pokemon )




    The event starts on January 11th 00:00 AM GMT+0 and ends on January 13th 23:59 PM GMT+0 !!

    Chaos Xmas Hunt Event Cooldown







    • Like 7
  8. What's your Name/IGN? : Pracholochos

    How old are you? : Im 20y old.

    Are you active in Discord? : Usualy every day because i am using REBORN BOT.

    Where are you from? : I am from Slovakia.

    What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? : Playtime=450h+ I usualy play ever day for 4hours and more.

    What's your goal in PRO? : I wanna became Staff Member.

    Why do you want to be part of Chaos? : I was in many guilds but they was just made for nothing... no events no players... you know.

    What's your favorite Pokemon and why? : Heliolisk... he looks so cool... he have so good moves and abilities so you can put him in any team (sand,rain,sun) and once i killed whole team with just him without switching...

    What's your favorite animal and why? : Birds. (not specific bird but i also like Mandibuzz as pokemon and when i was young we had many birds at home.)


    For More info contact me here via messages.:RowletHeart:


    check ur pms

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