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Everything posted by Riseknight

  1. crashing? like error message then it quits itself?
  2. oh yeah right. so surf already obtainable, guess u can start training at seafoam, i recommend a dark type pokemon.
  3. i did a rush too at kanto with my rattata until 7th gym (training magikarp after that) its not hard to train single pokemon as main, and i only use rattata for my starter while i put my charmander from oak at pc. sucker punches beat all sabrina's pokemon. the end. and sabrina is 5th gym right? no surf yet, i guess u need to work it out somehow. train between saffron-lavender or something. wait 1 week for trainer reset and train 1 single pokemon would do too.
  4. u got rollbacked, need staffs for resolution
  5. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Shiny_Pok%C3%A9mon happy reading.
  6. Re: where is desert lagoon <r><QUOTE author="siujun02"><s> </e></QUOTE> south on dock</r>
  7. Re: Trapinch Secret ability, epic iv jolly <t>*slaps doggie</t>
  8. 20 days? what??? how can you do that?
  9. some can connect, but i guess dev need to look at it again
  10. Oh, so i guess im going to collect them all. Hows IV mechanics in this game? andd thankss iv works normal like the original game, well 1-31, not 0-31. and you can see the ivs on pokemon profile.
  11. hi welcome to pro too bad this game has no breeding feature due numerous of reasons.
  12. u cant ask staffs to change your ice punch to ice shard due your own mistake.
  13. you need to keep pressing 1st again and then guess the random switch, if the dialogue says "its not this one...", you need to press 1st switch again and guess another switch, you did that?
  14. no bug. you need to press 3 correct switches sequentially. if u pressed 1st right and 2nd wrong, the sequence reset to 1st, press again 1st until u found right 2nd and 3rd. and it generated random so we cant help ya. good luck
  15. you cant delete an account, but u can make new account in 1 email, limited to 2 account for each email. if you want to restart to get good starter, i suggest you to keep continue what you did right now, because u can get starters at wilds or trade.
  16. -starter cant be shiny -abandoned pokemon (blue pokeball) have 1/500 chance shiny -wilds have 1/8192 chance shiny -not sure about received pokemon or fossil rate.
  17. please read guide first or check on the forum before asking question
  18. i suggest you to read previous threads before suggesting an idea.
  19. (post deleted due insufficient fund)
  20. we have regular players at help chat that would help your trade, next time ask them instead a stranger in road.
  21. recoils depend on damage that 'deal' with enemy's hp like when you hit chansey or blissley with fireblitz, it can cause you to death, different from wall pokemon, lets say steelix for the instance. u deal little damage to steelix and your recoil also not that much.
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