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Everything posted by Johncenaa
Selling epic Lucario Adamant inner focus Atk 28 Def 31 spped 29 sp def 27 hp 30 2.5m Salamance Intimidate Naive ATK 26 DEF 28 SPEED 22 SP ATK 28 SP DEF 27 HP 29 2m Chansey bold nature cure atk 4 def30 speed 15 sp atk 5 spdef 26 hp 23 2.5m
WTB: Epic ( Adamant / Inner Focus ) Lucario Paying Well
Johncenaa replied to Acyst's topic in Buying Pokémon - Silver
i have one Adamant inner Focus] atk 28 Def 31 speed 29 sp def 27 hp 30 3m , babypedro #9181 discord -
Wts shiny politoed Naive Def 30 speed 26 sp atk 21 spdef 4 hp 13 https://s27.postimg.org/s0vxgl19v/pro_payment.png https://postimg.org/image/mph0vvf73/ https://s27.postimg.org/s0vxgl19v/pro_payment.png
Selling all stuffs wich coin Membership = 150k Arcanine Mount = 85k XP Bonus = 40k Selling pokes lv 50~ to new johto players , 10k each poke ( Clefairly/bagon/gyarados/psyduck/golbat/horsea/slowpoke )
I want MS in new server sorry... i only accept pokedollar if i receive a excelent offer .
3 MS is a good price to salamance , add me in game to more information if u want . I want them for sure, so if you want I could pay you in real money first no real money this is illegal , the deal is trade between diferent servers . I give my pokes/money Other part give my ms in new serv.
arcanine 150k and bronzor 170k machamp 330k 3ms for salamance and how much discount for the other pokemon? 3 MS is a good price to salamance , add me in game to more information if u want .
i received 450k+ to salamance and 800k+ to tyranitar ... my price is 3 MS Salamance / 5 MS Tyra / if u put 1 MS more i can sell Scizor or Gengar or Bronzong to discount . I would like to buy salamace for 3 ms and 6 ms for tyra. you want the ms from blue server right? 9 MS for Salamance and Tyra is ok to me and i give to u free blastoise lv 100 , add me in game to wait blue server release . i gonna continue to sell Sala and Tyra because idk if u are the real buyer or not but u have the best offer and i think nobody gonna pay more .
i received 450k+ to salamance and 800k+ to tyranitar ... my price is 3 MS Salamance / 5 MS Tyra / if u put 1 MS more i can sell Scizor or Gengar or Bronzong to discount .
Re: Client stuck on "checking map updates" <t>1 - disconnect you internet<br/> 2 - enter cliente and wait<br/> 3 - connect internet and play .<br/> <br/> this work for me</t>
Want to trade my all pokes in red to MS in new blue server . is very easy i give my pokes and u give MS/Medalion in blue serv , im looking a good guy have alot reference in selling MS/Coins. More pokes = more discount if i make any illegal plz closed this personal shop Order A-Z If u any bid just say X poke/X poke to X MS in blue server . No BO things , just post the offer or add me in game and send a private offer . I only ACCEPT POKEDOLLARS if i receive EXCELENT OFFER 200k mine = 1 MS / i have 2m
Wtb 1000+ Coins msg to me in game .
This is how people treat newbies.
Johncenaa replied to Lewolfe's topic in Player Introduction and Partings
is very easy if u read guides and play alot Pokemon Simulator , if u catch 1600+ points in simulator u are ready to play vrs anyone in pvp . -
no bo yet
Start 800k Instant 1m add my in game to buy insta
Start 800k Insta 1m Duration > 48H
Use Gyarados/Azzumaril because is very op pokes.
Mega stone droped is very boring , make a quest to all mega stone .
Genius ability Healer just work in double , nature cure is correct and perfect ability to chansey .
Wts shiny ninetales Insta 1m
Wtb this poke Sassy Bronzor/evo Evs 252spdef/252hp/4def Levitate Spdef 25+ def 25+ hp 25+ Spd 10- Pay > 350~500K Depends iv Bold Squirtle/evo 252def/252hp/4spdef def 25+ hp 25+ spdef 25+ sp atk 15+ spd 15+ Pay 400~800k
Look this poke beautiful Start 1m Insta > 1.2m