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About Aokiri

  • Birthday 05/05/1995

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  1. Let's get good offers for this one.
  2. Resolved in discord. Can someone close this post?
  3. English (Translated): My problem happens with Hoenn teleporters, which I can no longer use. I already had the mission done since 2016. But, I went to beat Lt. Surge and talked to Wattson in the middle; He sent me to a teleporter outside the cave, and I could no longer use them again. He asks me to find some PCs, but I had the mission done, it makes no sense. --------------------------------------------------- Spanish: Mi problema sucede con los teletransportadores de Hoenn, que ya no puedo utilizarlos más. Ya tenía la misión hecha desde el 2016. Hasta hace unos días podía utilizarlos de la manera más normal, pero fui a vencer a Lt. Surge ayer o antes de ayer, y me encontré con Wattson que estaba un poco más cerca. Al hablarle, me envió directo hacia un teletransportador en un centro pokémon, y ya al salir de ese lugar, no pude volver a usarlos más. Me decía de ir por unas ubicaciones de unas PC's... sin embargo, mi misión ya estaba hecha. --------------------------------------------------- Any solution? / ¿Alguna solución?
  4. SERVER TRANSFER Username: Aokiri Server to charge the money from: Gold Main Server to transfer: Gold to Silver.
  5. Okay, thanks. Now it's happening the dot #6 on that post. I'll still trying.
  6. It was about a few hours ago. That's normal?
  7. Hey guys. Recently I was playing PRO and get AFK... then, the server kicked me out. But, when I tried login... it was strange, doesn't let me get in any server. Doesn't say any error message or something like that. "Connecting to server", "Connection Stablished", "Loggin in" and poof... nothing. Then, I can't get in. I need help for this, please. Thanks... :Frown:
  8. Hey hey. Need this mouse to catch more sneasels with fast click at the pokeball :Crazy: IGN: Aokiri
  9. Aokiri

    Job System

    It's hard to me get explained well... sorry. :Angry: Google Translator: Unlike missions that ask the npc's, in this case, the work is not a request to perform a specific action, but to make a specific job which gives you a profit as long as the work force. For example, as you said "emonission" can be an advantage that through the work while it is successfully performed. That may increase, somehow, the "market" pokémon. There may be, for example, pharmacists can create Iron, PP Up and so things change berries, for example, and this gives them a benefit one way or another (obviously, I say this in a random manner, as I do not want to ask something that causes an imbalance in the game). The difference between the missions and work completely would be something similar to what a MMORPG either: in a MMORPG might well ask a mission NPC (it is most common), but also work, for example, fisherman, farmer, lumberjack and so on ... so that this is one of the only ways to get a specific object in the game and, say, take the chance that something will "collect" with effort. In the case of Pokemaniacs money each you exit X pokemon and features or have, a fisherman would collect would be something like (it is open to the imagination in this case in order not to encourage the unequal or unbalanced topic) Sorry this was written by the Google Translator.
  10. Aokiri

    Job System

    The Job System isn't like NPC missions. It's more like a MMORPG jobs to collect items or money and more amusing. For example, if I got pokemaniac's job, to complete it, I need go in many locations to get the pokemons that my job requires. On hiker's job, for example... get, idk, a rock-type team and explore some caves and mountains... NPC missions are more like a request. Jobs are like a true job.
  11. Aokiri

    Job System

    Hey, what about a Job System? It's hard to me explain it, 'cause I don't know how to speak english at all, but... A Job system in pokemon can be like, for example: First, you select your pokejob (example: pokemaniac, fisher, gym assistant, etc) In a week, you can have 1-2 days to do your job (pokemaniac = catch rare pokemons on the área (those who have the pink ?) and everytime you get one, you got an ammount of money (example, a pokemaniac catch 1 Abra at X area (rare pokemon on that area) and get, idk, ¿$5,000 pd?) Sorry if I cannot get explained at all... Waiting for replies. :confused:
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