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Thanhgalbv's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>I want to register<br/> Ingame Thanhgalbv<br/> Sever Red<br/> GMT +7<br/> I have sent my album team to Daeon<br/> <IMG src="https://scontent.fsgn5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/16111899_557034517837585_401961521_n.png?oh=4f9d0c56029de360b2e41f51413a8f04&oe=587B38CE"><s></e></IMG></r>
  2. :Grin: i start
  3. 400k :Proud:
  4. i start :Cool:
  5. 700k for ferrothorn :Cool:
  6. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (International Guild - Red Server) <t>1. Im Thanh<br/> 2. Nickname ingame is: thanhgalbv and im playing in sever RED <br/> 3. I had played 900h+ and i have all badge in kanto johto hoen<br/> 4.Im 21 years old and my country is VietNam <br/> 5. I want to have funny moment in this game like i played it when i was a child ^^ <br/> 6. I dont know , i think i may helpfull for guys in chronos <br/> 7. Im not in a Guild before :D<br/> 8. I love Crawdaunt cus his Gold Star in his head ^^<br/> 9. Ofcoure<br/> 10. Sure ^^</t>
  7. Re: Jolly tech breloom <t>I start with 300k</t>
  8. Re: Epic Vullaby Shops ! <t>300k for 1st vullaby</t>
  9. Re: Wts Lucario <r>120k <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  10. :Question: i won?
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