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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. Hello @Ro[mention]Rolinjay420[/mention], first of all the server swap thing is not gonna happen; you are stuck with your server of first choice. This has several reasons but mainly duo to technical difficulties. Yes, I wish we had an ignore list and a permanent ignore function; this was suggested a few times and not done yet, totally agree with it.
  2. [mention]PurpleMauth[/mention], you can think of it that way: - the BCC is free, so no fee whatsoever - you can get free 25k and a small reward every 24 hours - the orbs are made for people who don't PVP and this will also decrease the price a little - the orbs are worth around 200k? depends on the server - the difference in prices is clear, but every place has his own unique prices (for example; I prefer the 3rd place Straw Hats over a 1st place Flame Orb) - in the next client update will be new rewards, such as the Butterfree and Volcarona Wings - the rewards are overall pretty generous, even 2 rare candy are worth like 15-20k (depends on server)
  3. Hello [mention]TheRichRicky[/mention], this is a common bug which occurs when your opponent uses a move that kills both pokemon at the same time; the user which initiated the Selddestruct/Recoil damage move will take the loss but the dialogue window is say something else first.
  4. Hello [mention]WaterMage[/mention], there is certainly something wrong here; you guys should have the 25% bonus XP reward by now, we already have it as well.
  5. I am here o.o as always :P I guess you found your way to the almighty forums, welcome o/
  6. Hello [mention]PurpleMauth[/mention], ain't gonna happen for the first suggestion. The PC shouldn't even be in the contest hall dup to various reasons. The PC infront of the Guard (in the Stophouse) will work in the next client update. As for the second suggestion: you are aware of the fact that you get 25k+3PPs ups in 20 minutes for basically no fee other than a pokeball? The prices are good as they are right now, very very generous.
  7. You were just unlucky, as Kaminokage already said; 30 pokemon is a very small sample size to be sure that the Black Medal is bugged
  8. Hello [mention]DanyBlaze[/mention], nothing has changed, rates are still the same. You are just as unlucky as everyone else. :)
  9. Hello [mention]Kibitz[/mention], this is not a bug, the PC needs a client update to be fully functional :P
  10. Hello [mention]FROAKIEBALBOA[/mention], to my knowledge it's not possible unless there is a reasonable explanation such as inappropriate username :P
  11. [mention]WaterMage[/mention], it's the bike from the normal bike quest, just a change color :P [mention]Dangra[/mention], Yeah I am aware of that as well :) ___ Arnie is already aware of this issue and will fix it later
  12. This also applies for the Daycare Doctors stuff :3
  13. Hello Scripter, I think I don't need to explain that further :P Sincerely, PreHax
  14. awsome to hear that everything went well :P I did that in the past with friends from another game, great experience :P
  15. Farewell :/ hope to see you come back though :O
  16. [mention]MystiKasT[/mention], relaxed nature and its Hidden Ability (Regen)
  17. Hello [mention]bhabs[/mention], the catchrates are the same as in the original games but as george alerady said; get a false swiper and put them asleep to make it easier to catch them :P
  18. Hello [mention]Arbredeplastic[/mention], just a visual bug; relog/swap the slots or go to a PC and it should be fixed :3
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