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Everything posted by Geronde

  1. Finnaly i win.
  2. i make 126s and 127s and no win.
  3. I would like to suggest to increase the Mega Manectric Quest Race from 120s to 180s.
  4. i'm using scizor with 381 atk and choice band and got 132s, but i need to do it in less than 120s, please you can increase it to 180s, i think many players would appreciate it.
  6. I can't win the race the last test, use Rampardos Mold Breaker with Scarf LV 100, Ludicolo lv 100 specs modest epic and Camerupt Magma Armor lv 33 scarf.
  7. Thanks, I was wrong here, I got Mawile's mega stone, thanks.
  8. I've done everything and I can't get past the part that she sleeps for the second time, she stops me and I can't move, I've tried everything and nothing to get past that part, please help. video-1618186663.mp4
  9. i support.
  10. I understand now, i found the 4, but each pokemon hide on 3 places and only 1 is true.
  11. Back for 3x per day.
  12. I've been more than 3x in 1 day
  13. The Underground XMAS Points Battle is unlimited?
  14. I found the riolu but it's not counting
  15. Thanks, now i see where does it go.
  16. But the Underground no have access .
  17. Please i forgot how to get xmas points.
  18. Thanks now i am with Lycanroc.
  19. He are lv 37, and I went to lv 44 and did not register the 44
  20. How does rockruff evolved?
  21. I think no can.
  22. Thanks
  23. I lost my mega stone for evolved the mount?
  24. Thanks
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