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Everything posted by Bropbrop

  1. I put the image urls into my browser and upic told me I had to log into twitter -- only active twitter users can see them. I suggest using a different image hoster (I use imgur without issue).
  2. PRO ought to have a better way to report completed trades. Encouraging self-reporting in forums is helpful, but the vast majority of trading, and essentially all item trading, occurs in-game. Let's focus on items, because valuing items from a trade history is straightforward and is where the true blindspot in forums information lies. Intro: Economies thrive when trading is transparent. People are more confident about trading so they trade more and more often, leading to people getting what they want faster. More benefit to trading encourages more production and innovation, counteracting inflation with increased supply and decreased trade costs. This will lead to a more populated pvp scene, a more newbie-friendly environment given lower start-up costs, and a more stable/happier economy. Unfortunately, since item prices fluctuate rapidly and only the most frequent and diversified traders see what all items are actually being sold for at the moment, the economy is quite opaque. I'm seeing a lot of wishful over/underpricing, experiencing too many trade breakdowns over pricing disagreement, and I suspect a lot of newer users are paranoid about trading because they fear community backlash for getting prices "wrong" (a justified fear, unfortunately). The Gist: I just want to know what completed trades are like in the moment, e.g. is MS actually selling for 500k on yellow server today? and I think a lot of us will agree with that sentiment. Brainstorming: I don't have a full idea in mind, so I wanted to kick-off some community brain-storming: 1. Enable users to self-report trades in-game with short messages, e.g. 'traded 3 duskstones for 35k'. Add a chat box to the final trade screen for this? 2. Add a third "Accept and Report" button to the final trade screen that converts the trade into some message, e.g. '$0+<pidgey>/duskstone+<pidgey>/duskstone+<pidgey>/duskstone traded for $35000'. Only report if both players click that button (no double-posting, maintains privacy, less spamming)? 3. Log the reports in trade chat in a special color. Or, if that threatens to overcrowd trade chat, make a separate Trades Logs chat that can be made visible via the chat window wrench icon.
  3. Re: Sylorinnis's Poke-Shop (UPDATED 10/06/16) <t>70k shellder</t>
  4. Is the auction over?
  5. Re: Sylorinnis's Poke-Shop (UPDATED 10/02/16) <t>50k shellder</t>
  6. bid 360k
  7. I also cannot find this npc, where is it and does it only appear at a certain time?
  8. 800k shellder
  9. 770k shellder
  10. 650k shellder
  11. Re: WTS Epic Dragonite, PvP-Ready <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/mdfJ5Uw.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  12. ms = 250k 24hr auction c.o. 290k by Cykroz, insta 500k.
  13. At 3200 discoveries, I started seeing zangoose at feral site, golett at haunted site, ferroseed at nature site. I have yet to see a tyrogue, they all flee from me.
  14. Start 300k, auction ends 24hrs after 1st bid. IGN: Bropbrop
  15. Since economic data on this item is sparse, I figured this might be helpful Date: August 2016 Price: 30k Advertisement Period: 2 days (I sold 2 sunstones with this outcome)
  16. Since economic info on this item is sparse, this may be helpful. Date Sold: September 2016 Price: 150k Advertisement Period: 5min
  17. Decided to cancel for lack of interest and growing personal interest. I will still entertain offers, but no auction.
  18. Decided to cancel for lack of interest and growing personal interest. I will still entertain offers, but no auction.
  19. Decided to cancel for lack of interest and growing personal interest. I will still entertain offers, but no auction.
  20. My favorite Pokemong (sic?) would have to be my friend Brad, who is a really great person and would not have been long for this Earth were it not for a combination of extreme short-term luck (really, the luck of everyone around his phone) and Niantic's epic success at destroying Pokemon Go like a perfect 1lb diamond on the Hydraulic Press Channel. This headset should be mine because I would use it listen to PRO's epic digichestral music in the pristine clarity and balance it deserves while chatting with PRO players over some ventrillo-type system (I've never had a mic'd headset), being the usual community-oriented fellow that I am.
  21. https://imgur.com/a/KZFyZ
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