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Everything posted by Beever10

  1. BIDS BEGIN AT 300K. BIDDING will last 24 hours. thankyou
  2. Haha i baught a staryu for 200k nearly as good. Hope you get the price you want toonslim but i would recomend turning it into lvl 100 starmie will be worth so much more
  3. 700k offer
  5. [highlight=yellow]WANT TO BUY STARYU TIMID WITH GOOD IVS[/highlight] Please contact me ingame or post the pokemon on here and let me know how much you want
  6. Re: WTS: BULBASAUR <t>It isnt god. 20k</t>
  7. Re: WTS : SHINY STEELIX and shiftry <t>For shiny steelix-</t>
  8. Re: WTS : SHINY STEELIX and shiftry <t>160k i offer</t>
  9. Offer withdrawn
  10. Ill give you 70k for it buddy
  11. I think the people saying 1million are wrong. You can get epic pokemon lvl 100 ev trained for those amounts. I would recommend training it and evolving it and you will get an absolute fortune at 100. Because anyone who buys it is going to do that. Use a leveling/ev daycare service u will make massive profit.
  12. 1 million was far to high :) check your market first buddy. epic scizor lvl 100 ev trained selling no more than 500k. Hope that helps :)
  13. Re: Wts pvp ready epic Kabutops swift swim 24h auction <t>What does B/O mean? Buy out or beginning offer or something else. Sorry if ifs the latter as i offer 100k to start.. See if anyone else wants it first</t>
  14. Dratini/dragonair/dragonite. Ivs 20+. Adamant. And preferably marvel scale as dratini i forgot what its called once it evolves but the one that makes u not get 1hko at full health with dragonite, evs 252 attack and 252 speed. Ill pay whatever it costs just let me know :) if its got marvel scale ill pay alot more but its not neccesary :)
  15. Can you post screen or type the IV/nature/level etc
  16. I suggest just using trade for that gastly, it isnt very good to be honest :) gastly gets farmed so i suggest buying one for 10k.
  17. Re: *Kazoku* [Yellow Server] <t>Hey i would love to join the guild :) please add me as friend and contact me in game ;)</t>
  18. Add me also please :)
  19. Very nice! Shame that gyarados is quite easy to counter, he should be stronger considering its a massive "dragon".
  20. Yeah it feels like nobody actually has any money on yellow lol
  21. Re: WTS Shiny Magikarp <t>What a shame on that attack or it could be worth a fortune :)</t>
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