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Karcaroth's Shiny Shop Please message me ingame for a quicker response, I'm online often. Please don't add me without messaging me first. /pm YOURNAME-=-Karcaroth Shiny Bellsprout or evos Shiny Venonat or evos Shiny Wingull or evos Shiny Tangela or evos Rare/decent IV shinies (PM me) PVP usable Shiny Tentacruel (Kanto) — 280k Johto Shiny Gastly — 145k Lonely Arena Trap Shiny Diglett (Kanto) — 88k Shiny Quagsire — 34k Shiny Paras (Kanto) — 34k
Advanced Leveling Tips I'm sure most people are familiar with the false swipe method for raising new pokemon, but there are several tricks that I thought I'd might be useful to share. Go to high level training spot Place your false swiper in first party slot, use false swipe until swiper dies Send out pokemon you are training to deal final blow for tons of EXP Kanto — Cerulean Cave (unlock guide) I avoid fighting Primeape as it can become confused and hurt itself if using Outrage Graveler — uses double edge against Garchomp [*]Johto — Dragon's Den (unlock guide) [*]Sinnoh — Fight Area (accessible after completing Sinnoh) Rattata/Raticate in Route 225 use Endeavor Move first Priority moves E.g. Quick Attack, Aqua Jet, Vacuum Wave, Sucker Punch, Fake Out, Bullet Punch, Mach Punch, Extreme Speed Bide (TM34 - Pewter Gym) is currently incorrectly coded and can be used to deal 1 hp of priority damage. Does not work on high defense pokes like Graveler. [*]Support — speed-lowering moves, paralysis, weather support Speed reduction — String Shot (-1), Scary Face (-2) Paralysis — Stun Spore, Thunder Wave (halves enemy speed) Weather support (for Chlorophyll/Slush Rush/Swift Swim/Sand Rush users) — send out weather setter to set weather and faint [*]Quick Claw — gives equipped pokemon 20% chance to go first [*]Don't die Sturdy — allows you to survive one hit and KO back. Avoid flinch users e.g. Golbat Focus Sash — grants equipped pokemon sturdy. Avoid flinch users e.g. Golbat (obtainable from Bug Catching Contest, Excavations, boss rewards, PVP coins) Rocky Helmet + Endure — use against physical attackers. Does not work on high defense pokes like Graveler. Support — accuracy-lowering moves, sleep Efficient false swiping Suicide — your swiper should die quickly for efficient training, so avoid excessive bulk Equip Toxic Orb/Black Sludge Enemies with Endeavor (e.g. Rattata/Raticate in Fight Area) [*]Resistant enemies — reduce enemies to 1 hp as quickly as possible. For Graveler, I use a STAB move instead of false swipe to reduce them to 1hp with sturdy, as false swipe takes several hits [*]Supporting last hits Speed lowering — reducing enemy speed can allow you to land a last hit without wasting a focus sash. This is especially effective on slow enemies like Graveler. String shot — Leavanny Scary face — Haxorus, Garchomp Paralysis — Thunder Wave, Stun Spore [*]Accuracy lowering/sleep — less reliable than speed reduction, but can be useful, especially against low accuracy moves like Graveler's stone edge. Flash — Leavanny Spore — Breloom
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[Auction] godly Infernape 31x2 30x1 20+
Karcaroth replied to Thethorndog's topic in Selling Pokémon - Gold
800k -
Auctioning Epic/Godly Modest Ludicolo for Rain Teams
Karcaroth replied to Schubie99's topic in Selling Pokémon - Gold
600k -
Karcaroth's Poke Shop Please message me ingame for a quicker response, I'm online often. Please don't add me without messaging me first. /pm YOURNAME-=-Karcaroth [spoiler=SYNCS] Kanto ~Lv 60 Xatu: Adamant, Impish, Jolly, Naive, Timid, Sassy, Calm, Bold, Relaxed — 16k ~Lv 60 Xatu: Naughty, Mild, Brave — 12k ~Lv 30 Natu: Adamant, Jolly — 14k ~Lv 30 Natu: Careful, Relaxed, Calm, Impish, Sassy — 12k ~Lv 30 Natu: Rash, Quiet, Naughty, Hasty — 10k ~Lv 10 Natu: Modest — 16k ~Lv 10 Natu: Adamant, Jolly, Bold, Calm, Timid, Relaxed, Sassy — 12k ~Lv 10 Natu: Hasty, Brave — 10k ~Lv 60 Kadabra: Relaxed — 36k ~Lv 60 Kadabra: Calm, Careful, Naive — 28k ~Lv 60 Kadabra: Lonely, Naughty, Hasty, Brave — 24k ~Lv 60 Kadabra: Quiet, Mild — 20k ~Lv 10 Abra: Timid, Naughty — 14k ~Lv 10 Abra: Mild, Quiet — 10k Johto Natu: Adamant, Jolly — 18k Natu: Careful — 16k Abra: Calm, Rash — 18k Hoenn Natu: Adamant, Timid, Careful — 24k Abra: Timid, Adamant — 26k Abra: Careful, Relaxed, Calm — 24k Abra: Lonely, Brave — 12k Sinnoh Natu: Adamant, Jolly, Bold, Relaxed — 30k Natu: Brave, Hasty — 25k Abra: Adamant — 36k Abra: Timid, Naive, Sassy, Naughty — 32k Abra: Mild — 25k Impish Technician Scyther with False Swipe (Kanto) — 60k Jolly Technician Scyther (Kanto) — 75k Adamant Technician Scyther with False Swipe (Kanto) — 95k Kanto — Pumpkaboo 58k Johto — Sentret/Gothita 14k Hoenn — Shuppet/Noibat 10k 23 atk Adamant Torchic (Hoenn) — 68k 28 atk Adamant Torchic (Hoenn) — 75k 12 atk Adamant Mudkip (Kanto) — 28k 23 atk Adamant Mudkip (Kanto) — 75k [spoiler=DEX] Kanto Bulbasaur — 15k Charmander — 10k Darumaka — 12k Shellder — 12k Mudkip — 26k Ferroseed — 15k Minccino — 15k Bonsly — 12k Cottonee — 24k Tepig — 34k Pumpkaboo — 42k Petilil — 16k Purrloin — 58k Panpour — 38k Johto Snivy — 18k Froakie — 38k Bonsly — 10k Hoenn Pawniard — 12k Vanillite — 16k Lv 35 Shieldon — 25k (evolves in 1 battle) Beldum — 12k Sinnoh Lv 19 Mime Jr. — 15k (evolves in 1 battle) Lv 35+ Deerling — 15k (evolves in 1 battle) Lv 30+ Mienshao — 12k Lv 10+ Combee (F) — 15k (for Vespiquen) Honedge — 22k Solosis — 22k Zorua — 55k Johto Garchomp - 190k Johto Talonflame — 150k Johto Krookodile — 140k Hoenn Gyara — 70k Hoenn Mightyena 31 atk — 160k Sinnoh Infernape — 135k Lv 100 Pikachu for Team Rocket Boss — 100k Kanto H.A. Staraptor 1 — 280k Kanto H.A. Staraptor 2 — 140k Excadrill — 125k Timid HP fighting Volcarona (26 speed) — 180k Rotom-Wash — 250k 31/27 Adamant Breloom (Hoenn) — 350k Careful Ttar — 350k Kanto Careful Excadrill — 175k Kanto H.A. Hasty Shroomish — 125k Kanto Riolu — 125k Kanto Ada H.A. Starly — 80k Johto Heracross — 75k Hoenn Ada Swift Swim Kabuto — 50k Hoenn Ada H.A. Fletchinder — 160k 22/23/23 defenses H.A. Tentacool (Hoenn) — 18k Hoenn Riolu 1 — 280k Hoenn Riolu 2 — 120k 18 atk/27 spe Adamant Drillbur (Hoenn) — 50k 26 Atk Jolly Drilbur (Hoenn) — 25k 30 atk Jolly Drilbur (Hoenn) — 145k 31 atk Jolly Drilbur (Hoenn) — 150k Kanto Timid Larvesta (HP Water) — 450k Johto Modest Larvesta — 280k Johto Bold Larvesta 2 — 80k Sinnoh Bold Larvesta (HP Rock) — 200k [spoiler=sold]
Karcaroth's Item Shop Please message or add me ingame for a quicker response, I'm online often. /pm YOURNAME-=-Karcaroth Winter Set (Pink, Light Blue) — $40k per set Ghost Outfit (1,3, 11-15) — $25k each (or trade for Ghost Outfit 6/9) Pumpkin Hat — Pumpkin Hat O — Pumpkin Hat S — Skull Hat — Skull Hat G — Frankenstein Mask — Ghostrider Mask — Elf Hat Santa Set Stantler Headband Party Hats (Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Red) Angel Ears — 140k (or trade for Devil Ears) Pirate Eye Patch — 125k Blue/Pink Pacifier — 60k Jasmine/Orchid Flower — 50k White-Blue Summer Clothes — 45k Psyduck Hat Feebas Hat Life Orb — 145k Reaper Cloth — 58k Macho Brace — 55k Nocturnal Feather — 45k Flame Orb — 45k Razor Fang — 40k UpGrade — 30k Deep Sea Tooth — 18k Soothe Bell — 25k Light Ball — 25k Protector — 20k Shiny Stone — 20k Deep Sea Scale — 15k Leftovers — 15k Black Sludge — 15k Black Glasses — 15k Silver Powder — 15k Damp Rock — 15k Heat Rock — 15k King's Rock — 12k Black Belt — 10k Charcoal — 10k Smooth Rock — 10k Dawn Stone — 8k Dusk Stone — 8k Lagging Tail — 8k Poison Barb — 8k Twisted Spoon — 5k Prism Scale — 5k Razor Claw — 5k Metal Coat — 5k Magnet — 5k Sun Stone — 5k Miracle Seed — 2k Hard Stone — 2k Thunder Stone — 1.5k EV berries — 2.4k per Lum berries — 1k per Sitrus berries — 1k per