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Everything posted by Karcaroth

  1. Name in the Game: Karcaroth How many Hours game play do you have currently? 1339 hours How many badges do you currently have? Kanto-Hoenn completed. Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? Yes, IVs are innate, EVs are trained. Your discord username (must include the #0000 numbers): karcaroth#7937 Do you have an interest in PVP? Yes, I used to PVP heavily in 2016, but stopped playing when life got busy. I'm now looking to get back into the game, and plan to start PVPing again once I complete Sinnoh and get caught up on all the new additions. How Many PVP Points do you have? My rating seems to have been wiped and is currently 1, but I still have the 311 coins that I won during 2016. Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people? Yes. Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? I used to know the game mechanics and economy pretty well, and hope to get caught back up. I also plan to PVP regularly; I have my eye on a few of those legendary mounts.
  2. Please PM me on forums or ingame if I'm online
  3. updated - if you're buying anything please send a forum pm with online time so I can look for you
  4. Re: Wts [Multiscale Dragonite / Azumarill / Gengar] - 48 Hours Auction <t>Start on dragonite</t>
  5. For instant buyouts, message me ingame using the command: /pm yourname-=-karcaroth I will not be ingame as much for the next few weeks; if you PM me your online timing in GMT I will do my best to come online Prices listed are instant, but feel free to post offers in thread. Coin items accepted: Shiny Umbreon Mount = 850k MS = 800k Pickaxe/Tree axe = 600k XP boost potion = 160k Other mounts = dependent on mount Fully Trained Jolly Sand Rush Excadrill (outspeeds max speed adamant excadrill) - 440k instant Ada 31 Atk Haxorus - 1.2m instant Untrained HA Gligar (Immunity >> Poison Heal) - 480k instant HA Murkrow (Prankster >> Moxie) - 240k instant
  6. Not sure if it's intentional, but I haven't been able to find a single instance of Ghost Outfit 1-5 ingame or on the forums. I've seen plenty of 6-10 on sale and worn by other people, and I personally opened 40+ boxes and have multiples of 6-10.
  7. Re: Best exeggcute&gengar on server?+more <t>950k machamp</t>
  8. Re: WTS: kabuto, staryu, eevee <t>start on kabuto + staryu</t>
  9. Careful DEF = 20+ Sum of Speed + HP + Spdef = 70+ Jolly DEF = 20+ Sum of Speed + HP + Spdef = 85+ Impish DEF = 15+ Sum of Speed + HP + Spdef = 85+
  10. Re: TheFox'sDen - Prince's Bit of Everything <t>Username: Karcaroth<br/> Pokemon's name: Pineco<br/> Levels required: 74-98<br/> Move changes: No<br/> EV training: 252 def/252 hp/6 spdef<br/> Evolution: No<br/> <br/> Edit 6 Nov:<br/> Pokemon's name: Scyther<br/> Levels required: 70-98<br/> Move changes: No<br/> EV training: 252 atk/252 speed/6 hp<br/> Evolution: No<br/> <br/> Pokemon's name: Gligar<br/> Levels required: 62-98<br/> Move changes: No<br/> EV training: 120 hp/198 spdef/192 speed<br/> Evolution: No</t>
  11. Do these exist, and are they obtainable from the Halloween mystery boxes? I haven't seen them ingame or posted on the forums, and just wanted to verify.
  12. Re: Best exeggcute&gengar on server?+more <t>750k machamp<br/> 1.2m exeggcute</t>
  13. Looking to buy ghost costumes #1-5, can pay or trade ghost #7/9.
  14. Re: Halloween clothes + Pokemon for sale (Scyther, Shellder, Shroomish etc) + Syncs (all regions, kadabra, high lvl) <t>updated</t>
  15. Re: WTS: EPIC POKEMONS PVP READY <t>900k on ambipom</t>
  16. Has anyone gotten Ghost outfits 1-5? I haven't seen those yet. Devil Ears Angel Ears Jasmine Orchid Pansy Anemone Pirate Eyepatch Psyduck Hat Pink Pacifier Blue Pacifier
  17. Re: WTS fully trained Jolly Excadrill, Jolly Poison Heal Breloom, HA Ada Gligar, HA Ada Murkrow <t>updated</t>
  18. Re: WTS [31Scizor/31Gengar/GWTalonflame] <t>start on scizor and tflame</t>
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