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Inmyway's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. restore my diglett-alola plz 38899924
  2. NAME CHANGE Username: INmyWAY New Username: Inmyway Server to charge the money from: silver
  3. In-Game Name: Inmyway Discord Tag: Inmyway#6637 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Often see What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Color of discord member, discord member+, silver server is not cool. Change plz lol
  4. Hi I sent 25 rare candy from my second character 'tradeandtrust' to my first character 'Inmyway' But, it dosent arrive and my mailbox is strange now. All my email got before cant be seen. And like screenshot, there are strange image is stained. Can you help me? i really need rare candy :(
  5. hi i'm not banned , but i can't play pro now when i log in server, the message "connection lost" comes up i turned off my computer and do it again but it doesn't work 20minutes from this happening cf) i cannot relearn pokemon skill. the npc "move relearner" just took my money but skill didn't learn. i lost my money about 20k. it is just hypothesis, but i think it is related with that "connection lost"
  6. Hi I'm operator at 'Korean PRO Discord' (All korean pro user use this server) The incident began a month ago. The man, whose name at pro is 'As1380' gold server, came to our discord. He said he was banned at pro even though he did nothing. I wanted to help him as much as I could. But he is not good at English, so he seems to be unable to find the reason why he was banned. Even he can't understand my explanation because he doesn't speak Korean well. Even if I explained as much as I can, he keeps saying other things and it drives me crazy. That's been a month. He keeps asking for help, but I can't ignore it, so I ask you on his behalf. Can I know the reason why he is banned?
  7. hello I was very surprised that item search is made well. it is really comfortable. Especially, for example, if i want to search 'leftovers', just typed 'lef', than leftovers is searched. i really want pokemon pc too. if i want to search 'donphan', i just want to type 'don' :)
  8. i really want like Dialga or Palkia
  9. https://imgur.com/vZxkBwx https://imgur.com/vZxkBwx https://imgur.com/a/Ls4eO https://imgur.com/a/Ls4eO server rolling back, so i lose my pvp score and than, that pvp bug come to me. wingding's talonflame was dead as soon as we get started, and i can't touch anything i lose total 20~30 score during 5 minutes. i'm so sad
  10. The PVP season reults are posted in the Announcements section, the past ones are still in there too thx bro! he lied lol
  11. hello i want to see all ranker with all season. my friend said that he got ranked in pvp, but there is no proof. can i see all season rankers who got pvp reward?? just yellow server ok.
  12. Re: wts ferrothorn <t>c.o 200k luffyz</t>
  13. Re: wts ferrothorn <r><QUOTE author="Kalzion"><s> </e></QUOTE> yes. just start. if last man call 100k, i will sell it that price..</r>
  14. pvp ready ferrothorn https://imgur.com/0x6B5Uy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- brave / iron barbs atk 29 252 def 17 6 spd 23 spatk 22 spdef 25 hp 13 252 ---------------------------------------------------------------- start 100k insta 1m 24 hours left
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