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Everything posted by Anogue

  1. Will Start on togekiss
  2. want to buy epic admant azumarill huge power with epic ivs 30/31 atk and 30/31 hp. budget 1.5 m
  3. In the past 2 days lost 3 big pearls for the server reseting and my milotic used 6 pp up that have gone for no reason. Finally a fletching dissapared .
  4. 650 k
  5. Re: WTS AZUMARILL PVP READY ADA HP <t>810 k for it</t>
  6. fletchling <r>wts fletchling <URL url="https://prnt.sc/dhdvbk">https://prnt.sc/dhdvbk</URL> <IMG src="https://prnt.sc/dhdvbk"><s></e></IMG> no current offers 1 day action</r>
  7. selling greninja current offer 500 k
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