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Everything posted by Attis

  1. Username: attis Server: silver Country/Timezone: Cyprus GMT+3
  2. ty for the service koshokuna
  3. pc plz
  4. https://gyazo.com/799ec2ff6de079f41baae2c1388eda20 hp ground vs magnezone best offer 1.5m need more
  5. https://prntscr.com/hmpemz hp ground magnezone killer price check
  6. ● PRO name: attis ● Discord name: attis#2341 ● Favorite christmas Pokemon: Dratini and ralts
  7. Player name: attis Showdown name: apoel Server: red Rank on ladder: 1
  8. noibat is 3k
  9. FERAL - Fiery Path----Noibat
  10. Attis

    doctor quest

  11. Attis

    doctor quest

    any mod help me?
  12. Attis

    doctor quest

    still nathing
  13. Attis

    doctor quest

    ok i try
  14. i just cure all 10 pokemon and now ? where is brock? https://gyazo.com/722a42c3107423b30fb1973774a1e816
  15. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] September <r>i cure all 10 pokemon but cant find brock now<br/> <URL url="https://gyazo.com/722a42c3107423b30fb1973774a1e816">https://gyazo.com/722a42c3107423b30fb1973774a1e816</URL></r>
  16. need pokemon
  17. can i use slowking and slowbro in same pvp team?
  18. https://gyazo.com/37b6fec62a527765081356c300c3237c
  19. Re: Chronos' Giveaway <t>ty BuySahinyNair<br/> AND GL<br/> my numbers is: 23</t>
  20. Re: Magikarp shop (good pokes) <t>more magikarp added</t>
  21. [glow=red]H.A.[/glow] 150k 90k 250k [glow=red]Swift Swim[/glow] 130k 120k 140k 170k 300k 260k 250k 200k
  22. price checks if full train it
  23. close
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