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Everything posted by Nerva

  1. In my case, after beating butch and cassidy, i must talked with rhyhorn from below, not from the side, to trigger the dialogue and advance to next step. Hope this little detail can help anyone who didnt finish it yet.
  2. Yeah, solved. As Norex mentioned above, i talked with rhyhorn from below, and finished the rest of questline without any issue. Since i didnt find any clue about this case, ill try to give comment on the pinkan guide, hope it will be usefull for other players who didnt finish this quest yet. Once again, big thanx for Norex, and thanx for ur concern RockyRaccon.
  3. Ah, tysm!! never think it will work that way, since in the video i saw, talk from the side didnt make any issue. Once again, big thanks for your help.
  4. Im stuck after beating butch-cassidy, and james-jessie came. Tried to talking with rhyhorn, but nothing happen, dialogue window didnt pop up. I got dc when first time battling butch and cassidy, and respawned in poke center. I battle them again and win, ended in those situation. I tried using escape rope, rebattle them and win, but the result still same. Nothing happened when talking to rhyhorn. Need help for this situation IGN : Nerva Server : Silver
  5. Re: NEW CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting!! <r>Hmm.. a lil advice, maybe you can add server info for this guild on fisrt page.<br/> Hv a nice day bro <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. Yupz, AFAIK you need at least 1 badge to use headbutt on tree :Ambivalent:
  7. Hope I'm lucky enough xD ............. :Heart: :Heart: :Heart:
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