I thought that because now jet ski is avaible (wich IMO is not a great idea, I would have preferred that legendary mounts or faster water pokes that have more speed, moves faster)
Even Jet Ski is the same price (in PVP coins) as Kyogre mount that is slower...
But apart from that I thought that programming this wouldn't be a problem considering that now we have different speed mounts for water, and a lot of different places were we can have a mount being used.
For the guy that told that would be confusing and expensive for new players, I think not. The game provides you with two free mounts ingame (Arcanine+bike) and you can buy with pvp coins a ton of mounts, not counting event mounts like wailmer and stantler... and in last case scenario you can always buy mounts with ingame money from other players..
Of course in the end, is just an idea, and I would like a lot of people arguing about it, throwing new ideas related to what I'm proposing in here, don't just stick with bad/good idea, or hard/easy to program.