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Hello there, due to severe server instability, I have been unable to play and also lost out on many potentially great pokes and alt forms due to constant crashes. Can I have my MS and Black Medallion refunded or extended because I cannot play until god knows when the server will be fixed. Thanks
Hey there, I appreciate your quick response to my situation. I can understand a bit more given your explanation. I went ahead and added an exception for PRO in my firewall but the same problem persists. I believe at this point I need to either figure out how to have my McAfee Antivirus Program add that same exception for PRO or to contact them for additional help. But either way I am pretty sure I can get back to playing once that is done. Thank you so much for your assistance and happy holidays! Edit: So I finally found the issue. My McAfee Antivirus program was actually erasing the "GameAssembly.dll" from existence since it saw it as a threat to my pc, thus resulting in an incomplete game file. I had to put an exception for PRO in both my Windows Firewall and my McAfee Antivirus Program, delete and uninstall all traces of PRO on my pc, turn off the virus scan of my antivirus program and finally reinstall the game fresh from the official website. I immediately was able to see the game assembly file and now I can play the game just fine (After also setting an exception for the game assembly file and turning the virus scan back on) If this is able to help out any other players in the future please take note of this and once again thank you for your help
Hello, I recently had to update my PRO game. Upon installing the most up to date version, I cant load up the game because I the “il2cpp” failed to load. My antivirus software then proceeds to alert me that a virus found in the “GameAssembly.dll” has been dealt with which is why the il2cpp cannot load. What is in the game that is considered a virus? Taking players info or something? I dont feel like disabling my antivirus or firewall just to play PRO, with viruses at that. Any tips would be appreciated
you dont think that a disconnect can affect that aspect of the game though? I understand that I am not going to come in contact with hidden ability pokes nearly every encounter but for that many chimchars to appear and not a single one be hidden ability as opposed to every other poke being hidden ability just seems weird to me. nonetheless I appreciate the respone
Since the opening of the free safari's I have been farming a hidden ability chimchar. Upon finding my very first one Ii was quickly disconnected mid battle this morning. Since then, I have found over 150 chimchars and none are hidden ability! There must be something weird going on because every other poke I find can easily have their hidden ability. I am also using a black medallion. I have slaved away an entire day trying to find a simple chimchar and I am seriously getting frustrated that this is the only poke whom I cannot find a hidden ability for. Please look into this.
To my understanding I meet all of the prerequisites to recieve the old sea map from prof.oak. I am champion of all regions, i have about 806 hours of playtime, i evolved 146 pokemon, i own and have dex data of all pokemon in the kanto region including the legends, i beat lance and mewtwo. But yet when i go to prof.oak he just gives me a compliment on the pokedex without giving me the old sea map. Can i get some clarification as to what is the problem?
Wow totally slipped my mind! Thanks for the swift response
Hello, so I have encountered multiple gulpins holding big pearls and when I use theif, my poke does not steal said item. And my poke does not have a hold item. Is this a bug?
- I want to join no mercy because I always join clans/guilds on online games, it enhances the gameplay rather than playing solo and inevitably quitting. I like to interact with a group and find creative ways to enjoy said games. I am also looking for a legit guild that are actually friendly and engage with their guild mates. - My goals in PRO other than to have fun is to also be a part of the competitive pvp community as well as making an impact to my group. Farm and own some really strong pokes. - I am 23 years old and I speak English and Spanish - trainer card: https://i.imgur.com/Tbdl09M.jpg
:Ambivalent: not to be annoying since im do not check this everyday but it still says the same thing only this time it said instant invite, this time i will check everyday for when u do send it thanks, really looking forward to joining the guild
I was invited to be a guest but when i used the code for discord it was either expired or invalid
1. Rogueplatelite 2. Scizor - Real dangerous sweeper if used correctly >=) 3. 320 hrs 4. Have discord 5. Online games are boring alone, having people and friends to play and learn with always makes for a better experience, and I am building up my pvp army and would like to rise up the ladder with this guild
Re: ^^BlueMYSTIC/PURITY^^--{Recruiting}-- [The Biggest Family On Blue Server]--International--(top10 hj <t>1. How many hours? <br/> <br/> - I currently have 295 hrs played <br/> <br/> 2. Are you able to use discord? <br/> <br/> - Yes, i actually have an account on discord already<br/> <br/> 3. How many badges do you have? <br/> <br/> - you are looking at the tri-regional champion lol (all badges)<br/> <br/> 4. Who is your favorite pokemon and why? <br/> <br/> - I would have to go with scizor, interesting typing and a real powerhouse....and with a mega....forget about it lol<br/> <br/> 5.Why do you want to be a part of us? <br/> <br/> - I want to enjoy this game to the fullest with some friends and people to battle with as well, every game is fun with a crowd! <br/> <br/> 6. How many play hours in game? <br/> <br/> - 295<br/> <br/> 7. What region you finished? <br/> <br/> - Kanto, Johto, Hoenn<br/> <br/> 8. Can you tell us about you? <br/> <br/> - Well, i am a huge pokemon fan....first stumbled into this game a couple of months ago but I was in the process of moving and becoming a police officer so gameplay time was severely limited. But now I have more time to spare to enjoy playing this game and I would like to do so while in a guild.<br/> <br/> 9. Can you do pvp ranked battle? <br/> <br/> - Yes, I am currently farming and training my own pvp pokes <br/> <br/> 10. What is my main goal in game? <br/> <br/> - Rise to the top and see this game through to the end</t>
Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [RECRUITING] Blue Server! <t>Hello, I stumbled upon this guild upon browsing different guilds for the blue server and thought that this guild would be the perfect fit for me as I am looking for an active clan bevause I am an active player myself. Allow me to answer the requirement question as I am interested to join my very first and only guild.<br/> <br/> 1. My ign is Rogueplatelite<br/> <br/> 2. I currently have 176 hrs & 46 Mins in playtime<br/> <br/> 3. I want to join this guild because I feel I can be at place in with this guild. I am familiar with MMO's and I know for a fact that playing these types of games are a drag and can get boring after some time, so I would like to be part of a group and support system while contributing myself. This guild also stood out to me because of all that it has to offer and I would love to be a part of this community. I want the best experience possible while playing this great game and hope I can do so in this guild <br/> <br/> 4. I do not know what is discord but I will use it <br/> <br/> 5. I believe I meet the requirements to join, I can be as active as I can providing assistance to guild mates and/or contributing in other ways<br/> <br/> 6. If my application is successful I would like a talonflame next to my username, my all time favorite bird pokemon.</t>