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Everything posted by Ghostmaster

  1. Post a screenshot of it and post it under the "Shiny and Special Pokémon - Red" section on the forums please
  2. Re: Epic Fletchinder h.a 31/31 (pvp) <t>you sir are very lucky! If someone is paying 15mil and got money from selling coins then that Pokemon would equal out to a 187.5$ find. Congratz!</t>
  3. This was your starter? very lucky indeed!
  4. Last time lowering price, first come first serve
  5. lowered again taking down in a week if no buyers, great stats for a low price
  6. Parasyte too epic anime, with only 24 episodes. u will wish for more episodes..... well the same goes for HxH I agree its very similar to Tokyo Goul (also BA and gorey) just a little better imo
  7. I agree this is partly the reason I play this game on and off so much because its so hard to sell in chat or find the gem your looking for yeah bro, and when you do put the effort to sell in game, and finally find a customer, and then lose it for that reason of regions, it sure upsets all sellers, hopefully the mods can implement this suggestion Ye I really wish they would just reconsider the auction house but its at the "absolutely not happening" stage unfortunately . I even read a thread awhile back were it was already made/programmed just never implemented .
  8. On Saturday there releasing season 2 of 7 deadly sins also my favorites are Mushi-shi Ghosthound Fates stay night Magi (all three) parasyte <-- Really BA and gorey and a new one gaining alot of interest is my hero academia
  9. I agree this is partly the reason I play this game on and off so much because its so hard to sell in chat or find the gem your looking for
  10. Even tho I live in the U.S I use a VPN and it helps reduce some latency/lag when I play MMO's
  11. lowered yet again need to sell quick so that I can buy an epic excadrill
  12. Thanks thats what Ill end up doing :)
  13. thanks for the info guys ^.^ I will bookmark it now
  14. Actually, the Reroll Ticket item is usable for both IVs or Nature already :Smile: You can reroll only once with each ticket, and it's totally random: you can get worse IVs, and cannot lock any ‒ or can get the same nature after reroll, if you choose this. Reminder that you can use your reroll ticket at Psychic Marina, at Vermilion City, Kanto: Good luck with your legendaries, and have a great day :Shy: OMG that's awesome thanks so much for the info!! I thought it was IV only. Does this work on all legionaries like Suicuine or Latios/Latias?
  15. Thanks for the Reply I was thinking Glaceon myself but most people want Ice body which is also a hidden ability. A Snow cloak Glaceon may fetch a little more money than a cute charm Sylveon though, I'm not quite sure.
  16. I thought I remembered an upload picture button in the box when making a new thread but I could no longer find it. I then started using tinypic.com like I did in the past and pasting the forum url code it gave me which has always worked just fine. But for some reason the website has been down all day and all the pics I previously uploaded to the forums have a little crash symbol instead of my pictures. Do you guys use any more reliable alternatives?
  17. whenever I catch a shiny, legendary, or epic IV Pokemon I instantly log off as soon as I catch it then log back in. It then force saves the game and prevents you loosing money/transactions/catches in the game. When the game first started I had rollbacks send me back 30 minutes in the past loosing a lot of valuables including a large trade I made costing me almost a million gold.
  18. haha I have been grinding around Christmas event for at least 30+ hours and haven't even encountered one xmas poke even though its 1/750 and I have encountered many of thousands of Pokemon by now. I have friends with less grind time that have 2-3 now =/ As for Christmas Dragonite I have only seen one on server and it sold for 10mil which is the same as 25 coin capsule's which cost 125$. Which is also saying a lot of people are willing to do anything to find one.
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