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Everything posted by Firenzi

  1. talonflame sold ingame for insta eevee, dragonite and blaziken still available
  2. h.a blaziken start: 400k sold ingame hp ice eevee start: 150k h.a dragonite start: 100k c.o:200k by BOYMAINMONKEY auction ends at 26 september 6.35pm utc min outbid: 50k auction end in 36 hours auction will start when first offer received.
  3. https://i.hizliresim.com/bG3Y98.png https://i.hizliresim.com/0BdLr8.png https://i.hizliresim.com/4M48VG.png
  4. Shelia and Daen good luck in real life :y: firenzi 55
  5. Re: Chimera [Red Server] ~ Recruiting <r>Good Luck <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  6. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (Red Server) Updated!! <t>1) I'm Mehmet Arif. I'm a student(mechanical engineering)<br/> 2) Firenzi on red server<br/> 3) 870 hours with all badges<br/> 4) I'm 24 and i'm from Turkey<br/> 5) I want to be a good pvp player<br/> 6) I like to help each other<br/> 7) I was in Death Note<br/> 8) My favourite pokemon is Starmie. Variational and fast :)<br/> 9) Yes<br/> 10) Ofcourse , I'll follow the guild rules</t>
  7. Re: Wts Trained Good Pokemons(vulpix, salamence, blaziken, best gengar in server) <r><B><s></s>Gengar auction time end thanks everyone.<br/> winner<e></e></B><br/> <IMG src="https://i.hizliresim.com/OEYpOD.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <B><s></s>i'll send a trade ss when trade complete<e></e></B></r>
  8. thanks for info
  9. Re: Wts Trained Good Pokemons(vulpix, salamence, blaziken, best gengar in server) <r><B><s></s>insta price added with 10m and 3hours left for auction end good luck everyone<e></e></B></r>
  10. Re: Wts Trained Good Pokemons(vulpix, salamence, blaziken, best gengar in server) <r><IMG src="https://i.hizliresim.com/WbB8vm.png"><s></e></IMG> he want to be an anonymous</r>
  11. Re: Wts Trained Good Pokemons(vulpix, salamence, blaziken, best gengar in server) <r><QUOTE author="YourMomGr"><s> </e></QUOTE> but bro you havent update current offer or time remaining lol so they have to scroll through comments to see.update your original post<e> </e></QUOTE> thanks for advice i did now :)</r>
  12. i have more then 8k excavation. Is it some kind of bug? My ms is active. Also i cant find any beldum,pawniard,timburr for a while i know it's about luck but something wrong for a week appreciated if you'll fix this ign: firenzi [red server]
  13. Re: Wts Trained Good Pokemons(vulpix, salamence, blaziken, best gengar in server) <r><B><s></s>guys if you wanna offer for pokemons please check starting bid and current offer <br/> thanks<e></e></B></r>
  14. Re: Wts Trained Good Pokemons(vulpix, salamence, blaziken, best gengar in server) <r><B><s></s>c.o 3.6m by YourMomGr<br/> insta price will added 4 hours ago before auction end<e></e></B></r>
  15. Re: Wts Trained Good Pokemons(vulpix, salamence, blaziken, best gengar) <r><B><s></s>gengar auction started<br/> c.o 1.5m by halvoure<br/> auction end: 10 november 18:00 CET<e></e></B></r>
  16. gengar starting bid: 1.5m auction time:48 hour c.o: 6m by "Patisaur" AUCTION OVER SOLD
  17. Re: Shiny Charmander wts <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> thanks <E>:y:</E> <br/> <br/> current offer 14m by blue<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>(i dont have time to sell any other pokemon so please your offer only with cash)<e></e></B></r>
  18. Re: Shiny Charmander wts <r><B><s></s><I><s></s>i'm evaluating offers right now and please don't discuss with each other if you have a good offer put here i will check. If i satisfied by the offer i will inform you.<e></e></I><e></e></B></r>
  19. i sold it for my friend with 5 epic poke 2 ms + 14m worth around 18-20m total https://i.hizliresim.com/0y7PML.jpg thanks for everyone
  20. This pokemons just for fashion. You can find clones where you can find normal versions. You just have %5 chance to face clone pokemon.
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