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Everything posted by Nhnam

  1. auction end, sold 730k to Hohlyeraser75, winner please contact me. Will attach screen shot later
  2. c.o. 730k by Hohlyeraser75 ingame
  3. c.o. 530k by Jadeash ingame
  4. c.o. 430k by Aniketsk181 ingame
  5. c.o. 300k by Daonedestroyer
  6. 200k started by Hvh265 ingame
  7. AUCTION Starting offer: 200k min bid: 100k NO insta SOLD 730K to Hohlyeraser75 Duration: 48hours after first bid Start time: 10Nov 23:53 (UTC+8) End time: 12Nov 23:53 (UTC+8) Offer below//ingame: nhnam Discord: nhnam#3239 Thanks and good luck >.<
  8. https://prnt.sc/1w6a3rr https://prnt.sc/1w69pku Hi I will take these 2 pokes, please pm me or on discord nhnam3239
  9. 1. What is your nickname in PRO? My ingame name is nhnam 2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why? I like most of the Pokemon and it is hard to choose one!! Probably Dialga although it is not possible ingame. I liked it since pokemon Diamond in the NDS was my first pokemon game. It was memorable cos I couldn't catch it back then when I was small and couldn't read japanese. 3. What is your final objective in PRO? collect all pokemon and get epics OT pokes. Then build as many pvp team as I could using OT pokes 4. How many hours did you play on Silver? around 1090hours 5. Age? 19 6. Do you have a PVP Team? (its ok if you don't have one) still trying to get some legenaries to build the team. There are still tons of untrained Pokes ready to be in the pvp team.
  10. sorry asking, but is the bid still available. It wasn't closed originally
  11. Thanks for your reply, let me retry it.
  12. Sir, I just tried again at night time, and detective Basile disappear again. He was there in day time but nothing was there at night.
  13. Yea, I have just checked it, and I CAN see detective Basile now. Maybe I will wait till night time to see if he is still there and whether i could start the quest. Thanks a lot for your kind help.
  14. Thanks for your reply, I just tried getting back to Murky town, it sounds weird but Detective Basile doesn't even appear on my map this time. I haveheading to Ghoul Swamp and the ferry, I also tried to close the game and relog, but it doesn't help.
  15. @Tos3n Thanks a lot, and here is a screenshot of my gengarite, my account name is nhnam if it could help.
  16. I completed the quest like 7hours ago, I am sure that I have gengarite in my backpack. Or do I actually have to wait for 24-48hours, until the server update my information?
  17. @Tos3n Sorry, I also have the same problem. After completing the gengarite quest, I went back to the ferry and tried to start the baby lugia quest. The chat analog is not triggered when I talk to detective basile, there's no weird boy walking pass the forest as well. Im sure that I have done all the previous halloween quest and tried to start the quest at night time. Please help, thanks.
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