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Posts posted by Celestic

  1. You can join the discord server to get updated on current server stability.

    Staff made an announcement there couple days ago that players should not do bosses or other important things atm due to the likeliness of crashs.

    Therefor i dont think there will be any compensation :(

  2. You can find the teams for most / all the reworked bosses on the pro wiki. Just google for the boss you search for.


    Besides that i dont think there is a guide but there are some pokemon who work good in general against bosses like snorlax, clefable, slowbro etc.

  3. If i understand correct you missed a move you wanted to learn or ?

    There are "Move Relearner" who can let your pokemon learn moves


    Kanto - Cerulean / Saffron

    Johto - Goldenrod / Blackthorn

    Hoenn - Slateport / Sootopolis

    Sinnoh - Snowpoint / Heartthome

    • You always walk up the stairs till you reach the room where jackson is.
    • pass the room and walk the door to get to the ballroom
    • walk to left and go up the stairs
    • upstairs walk left again and arount the corner
    • now if you walk down you pass the blissey


  4. My biggest complaint is that staff role changed over the Time.

    When i started the game back in 2016 a staff Member was active in Chats and helped people. I rarely see any staff ingame who just answer questions there.

    In my opinion staff (this case Community coordinator? I guess) Are Way too far away from the Community. Staff should be someone people can go to if they got questions or problems and not someone who just works of his list of reports and punishes people.

    • Like 4
  5. From what i read in Forum / Discord Bot you can choose between Larvitar / Froakie / Dratini and then like with most bosses choose between "Shiny chance" which increases increases the shiny chance for it to 1/4096 or "Synchronize" which allows you to get a sync pokemon catch the mon.

  6. You can catch some legendary but not all

    Catchable legendary are Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Heatran, Raikou / Suicune / Entei, the sinnoh lake trio, the regi, shaymin, genesect, Latios / Latias.


    I hope im not missing any :)

    So basically alot of them are catchable.

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