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  1. Wow, so if I had 3 identical arcanines but with different natures.(Impish, Adamant, Jolly) I could sell the arcanine with Impish nature for the highest price?
  2. Is the best nature adamant or jolly for arcanine. Which one has more value? Thanks.
  3. I know that obviously it should have 20-25+ ivs in all stats. Also, should it have its hidden ability, solar beam instead of blaze? What nature is more valuable, timid or modest. What hidden power should it have? Thanks.
  4. Thanks, what will price be full ev trained level 100?
  5. Hello, I know one of the mega stone acquirable in this game is for Aerodactyl. How does it work. Do I get a stat boost or something by attaching the stone to Aerodactyl Thanks
  6. So I want to level up EV sp. Attack for my Raichu and I was wondering if running away affected the EV of the pokemon. Thanks.
  7. Thanks, this looks great. Do you think you can do Special attack EV training on my Raichu, thanks. My ign is joejoe913.
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