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Posts posted by Archina

  1. 266592 this not gonna happen because then stupid kids will farm pvp coins with bots

    Then why punish everyone for doing so? I'm fairly sure most people would be fine with seeing rules against coin-farming abuse and it's not like they can't do it already (I won't go into details here as to not promote the idea.) Just tweak the system to either detect when someone may be abusing it or prevent players from continuously facing each other.

  2. 264231 If you have trouble defeating Kanto E4, follow this guide.


    All you need is a lvl 80+ Gengar and a lvl 80+ Gyarados (two pokemon which are very common and easy to catch by yourself), some training inside victory road, and you'll be good to go.

    To be fair a Lv80 Gyarados could solo the Kanto E4. I did it fine with a Calm one at Lv75 running a Dragon Dance set. Just make sure you have enough money for potions and revives.

  3. Regarding all of the points:

    • =Personally I prefer the current layout. Though if people struggle to read it maybe we should have an option for it?
    • +While I don't tend to need it, I think it should be there.
    • +I've always found the coloured bars to be useful.
    • -I don't think it should show the damage in exact numbers as in stuff such as PvP it would effect certain battles as it would give information to the player/opponent that they should not know.
    • +I'm surprised this isn't already in the UI as not having it makes the game seem a little flawed.
    • = I reckon it shouldn't show the evolution conditions straight away, yet instead when the evolution has been seen/caught.
    • - I don't think this is needed. Even if you can't remember the pokémon's name exactly you can filter it pretty close with only 2-3 characters (E.G to find Magikarp I could just type "arp" and get it.) The only kind of filter I'd like to see added to the dex is a "Not Caught/evolved" one.
    • - See above.
    • = Why not both? They both have their advantages.
    • = I think anyone who is using a keyboard has a mouse very close by. So while it'd not needed some players may want it.
    • ? Could you elaborate on this? I'm unsure what you mean.

  4. The pricing money-wise is extremely cheap for an MMO. Regarding pricing in Pokédollars it's both server and community-based so there can't be a set price for them.


    Also, it really isn't hard to track down people's accounts and chain-ban them (Unsure what PRO uses yet you could easily track accounts through email, IP, MAC address, HWID, ect.) It'd be way more hassle for a player to constantly create new accounts than it would be for mods/GMs to ban them so they're fighting a lost battle.

  5. 263067 That's a terrible idea, that would make people disconnect upon entering battle just to accumulate coins, there are many solutions, reward the person with a coin if the opponent disconnects or punish the person who disconnects with removing a 1 coin, but none of these are great ideas, the best would be to place a surrender button and allow the other person to receive the coin if the opponent surrenders, and if people still continue to disconnect after this then pvp bans should be placed, 1 day pvp ban or a week pvp ban or a mothley pvp ban, this I believe will stop the perpetrators.

    I think what OP is trying to say is:

    • Winning= 2 coins.
      Losing = 1 coin.
      Disconnecting = 0 coins.

    So the losing player would only gain coins if they stayed in the match 'til the end. Though personally I would rather have some form of leaver-buster system with a surrender button as even the original games allowed you to forfeit the match.


    Also, could we get this moved to Suggestions?

  6. Re: RUKittenMe? Yellow Server Guild Recruiting!


    <r>I'd be happy to join the guild <E>:Grin:</E> I have 212 hours into the game so I think I'd do fine with that requirement. Though I doubt I'd be on the discord server too much as I own a TS3 server so I need to be on there a fair bit. Feel free to add me some time~!</r>

  7. I don't think I've ever seen anyone intentionally avoiding the auto-kick for hours on end. Though I myself have move one square every few minutes when I'm doing things such as moveset research, forums (like now), ect. If I planned on going back to said game soon I'd do that. Else I'd just log out and go back later.

  8. It should definitely be a thing. Right now a lot of pokémon aren't being used in PvP because their required items aren't working as they should; Items being consumed being one of the problems. Until these kind of things get fixed I reckon the meta will just stay in the stall phase which really sucks.

  9. 258019
    255385 I want to talk again with the people we talked about before but it is impossible:( Can you create a function something like that conversation history ?

    The store data for conversation history to per people will make a large of data, which is so waste resources.

    The best solution is adding in to friend list or type /pm yourname-=-yourfriend.

    Why not just have the conversation be stored on the player's computer as a temporary file?

  10. If there were moon stones on the moon I'd be swimming in them already. I've caught over 300 Clefairies/Clefables looking for the right one. :confused: Though I was always curious as to why there weren't any there so +1 to the idea.

  11. Re: Your epic fail pokemon!


    <t>[insert pretty much every time my sync has failed me here]<br/>


    I swear my syncs hate me. They always fail whenever I find a 'mon I want with epic stats. Also, I'm really sorry for your loss. That would have been a near-perfect Talonflame if it was Adamant/Jolly.</t>

  12. Most of the ideas that I've thought of over the ~month I've been playing have already been said on here. But I'll quote them to emphasise my interest.

    250421Add a Button to the forums.

    It'd be very useful for newer players needing to gather info.

    250425 I'd love a button for the pvp rules.

    This should be mandatory. Because most people assume the ranked ladder is based off of Smogon's OU rules people tend to ignore/not even know the extra ones. It should definitely be next to the "Find match" button; maybe even have a requirement to read the rules before you're even allowed to search.

    250733 - Ability to link a personal shop in trade chat for auctions

    Instead of this, I'd rather have a marketplace/auction house map where players can either create their own stalls for selling pokémon or a place to auction their pokémon off in a convenient manner. Maybe even have a wishlist feature as well so you can get notifications whenever a pokémon you want is being sold/auctioned.

    250733 - Ability to swap pokemons between PC boxes

    ^ THIS. If you ever plan on doing anything outside of random catching this is so, so useful. Being unable to sort my 'mons makes things such as sorting out pvp pokémon and trading a real hassle. It shouldn't take up much server space either if you just assigned the pokémon by it's ID and a X,Y co-ordinate (So the first pokémon in box 1 would be 1,1 and the first in box 2 would be 4,1.)

    2515473. Larger PC boxes so you can view more pokemon at a time, even if that means less boxes overall.


    4. Customizeable chat tabs, such as creating new tabs and choosing what channel goes into that tab. Main reason for this is the 'Local' tab is the only one that records the local chat, but it also includes every single other channel so it gets flooded.


    5. Include the moves and EVs of a pokemon when linked to other players.

    3. I reckon it would help if the size were doubled (make each box a 5x6/6x5 grid; doubling each box's size.)

    4. Local chat really is too cluttered. Right now there's no way I can tell if someone has said something as within a couple seconds it's drowned out by every other local chat group.

    5. It should definitely be there especially if you want people to take the ranked ladder seriously. Maybe for less clutter you can have a 'basic' overview and a drop-down menu for more 'advanced' stats such as IVs and EVs,

    254753 Maybe have it so that if you click a route on the map it opens up the pokemon tracker with the route' pokemon on it. Would be great for certain areas since the search bar in the tracker has to be exact spelling. Also add an arrow in the tracker if the area has multiple parts, like dragons den, for easy navigation.

    I've always wanted this. One other thing that could be added is it's rarity in said area. Seeing as the information is already here on the forums I see no reason as to why it can't also be in the game.


    Anyway, onto suggestions that have not been mentioned in the thread:

    • 1. A "/faq" command. The amount of times I've seen people ask questions such as "how to I get the bike?" and "where do I get Flash?" is just so many it simply begs for a simpler solution.
      2. A "/find PlayerName" command. We can already do this to ourselves with the use of "/loc", why can't we do it to other players? Of course you would have an option in the menu to prevent players from using the command on you (just like battle requests) and by setting yourself as offline it would make the command act as if you were offline as well.
      3. An in-game report button in the same menu as the friend/trade/battle/ect menu. If you're minding you own business and you notice something suspicious, or a player is getting a little to rowdy in a chat room you can easily notify a mod/admin about the issue and let them deal with the problem quickly.
      4. An option to purchase more than just 100 coins in the coins shop. It gets a bit annoying having to constantly get the coins in a such a small amount every time and for those who don't have their information saved to PayPal.. I feel sorry for you.
      5. Adding the "/friend PlayerName" command to the social tab. I didn't even know this command existed until I beat Hoenn so I kept going back to Pallet Town every time a friend of mine started playing.
      6. Allowing capitalisation in chat rooms. I understand why it was disabled yet it bugs me so much not being able to do so in the public chat rooms. Why not instead just have an auto-kick/mute for players who use caps a little bit too much (So something like "WTS Bold Blissey for 200K!" would be fine whereas "WTS BOLD BLISSEY 200K!" would trigger the auto-kick/mute.)
      7. A revamp of the chat tabs. Maybe have only "Local", "All" and "Other" show when you login yet add a button that allows you to see other public chat rooms such as "Battle", "Trade", and the different language rooms.
      8. More public chat rooms. It seems rooms such as a room to rate pokémon would be useful. Especially since the topic leaks into every other public chat room.
      9. Hiding the IVs and EVs of a pokémon until they've beaten the Kanto Elite 4. They really aren't needed for the story and too many new players stress over silly things such as their Bulbasaur having only 10 IVs in HP. Those who don't know about IVs/EVs get confused even further.
      10. Changing the icon for when it's morning. it looks too similar to the daytime icon so for those who don't know the exact times it could be confusing.
      11. Stop visualising all the battle information as once. It kind of kills the fun a bit if I can already tell if I've caught a pokémon or I've fainted the opponent as they show instantly, before the action has even happened. Any reason as to why it can't be like it is with dealing damage? Even multi-hit attacks don't show all the info at once.


    That's all I can think of for now.

  13. 253656 I believe that latias surfing only shows the head, ant her body is under water, its doesnt look very well

    I'd assume it'd work as if they're flying just above the water like in the movie:


    Note: The image itself isn't from the movie itself yet it's a good enough example as to what it was like.

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