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Posts posted by Archina

  1. 253437 Prices aren't set on a pokemon for his rarity but on how good he is in terms of nature, ability and IV. You can see a dratini go for 50k with bad sats and the next day one for 5million with godly stats/ability. OR people are unaware of a pokemons worth and try to get the best out if it. :Crazy:

    Rarity will have an effect on the pokémon though as the harder it is to achieve the desired results on a pokémon, the more it will be worth in the end (so something such as a perfect H.A Togepi would be worth more than a perfect H.A Budew.)


    Though I would definitely say a lack of knowledge would be a cause of inflation especially over here on Yellow server (so many people think IVs are more important on a pokémon than it's nature/ability; saying a Jolly Gastly with 30 IVs in Sp.Atk is "epic".)

  2. 248989 So I got to the point, where I need to go to the Safari Zone to get the Surf HM in order to progress.

    249007 Just farm some money at Seafoam Bf4.;)

    You know, the Seafoam Cave in which you need Surf HM that Zer0 is addressing to access. Anyway..


    That really does sound like a bit of a pain; Especially since the game is coded to kick you out after X time instead of timing how long you've actively been in there for (afaik It'd make it a bit easier on the servers.) So I guess the only way to manage that is if you could possibly get on the server at a time where the login queue is low/not there. At least then if you have a problem you'd still be able to get the HM before time runs out (the route to the house should only be about a 3-4 minute walk anyway if you know where you're going.)


    Regarding the safari pricing though It's next-to-nothing when you'e further into the game and actually want to farm the pokémon in there (such as Scyther and Eevee.) So once you have the HM just continue with the game and you'll be rolling in all them pokedollars in no time.

  3. Personally I'd say Sucker Punch is a staple move on Honchkrow regardless of the set. It's speed is pretty mediocre and due to it's typing it can be pretty frail, too. The only way you could get Night Slash to work effectively is if it held Choice Scarf yet seeing as that's not coded into the game yet that plan's out the window.

  4. Spent ~20 hours grinding in Route 25 (Tuesday-Wednesday) and didn't find a single Charmander; Let alone a clone one. What makes it worse is a friend came to join me on the grind and within an hour found two Charmanders with the second being a clone.


    Also, my syncs hate me. every time I find a 'mon with epic IVs the sync fails.

  5. 247828To be honest it's not really fair - now people spam new accounts to get clones.

    About that...


    2. You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person. We do not offer support for proxy cases. If you are found linked with someone via proxy you will be banned if a ban issued is an IP ban.[/quote2]
  6. 245990I think Shane has said that 1800 is the maximum slot cap the CURRENT servers can handle. He would have to buy new servers (machines) to increase capacity and this would be TOO costly. The only solution is a new server (game server). But as i said it's better to wait for schools to open and then see if the traffic is still high.

    Upgrading servers isn't hard whether it be physical or cloud-based. This is coming from someone who owns multiple Linux VPSs and has a server-capable PC. This was why I mentioned why I didn't know the current server costs or their upkeep time as I'm unsure as to what requirements are needed to keep the server healthy.

    245997 The queu's went down to 150-200 in the last few weeks. The clones have increased this to 600. I assume it'll go down yet again when the event is over.

    The thing is even without the event the queues are appearing every day. If it's a common occurrence then that means it's time to upgrade as the average player-base has exceeded the maximum the server can handle.

  7. Personally I'd say we'd only need new server 'worlds' as a fresh restart. Though with Yellow being so new and still working things out It'd definitely be a better idea to add more grunt to the existing ones. In my opinion the best idea would be to seriously power up the servers and increase the afk timer a little bit; going back to it's usual quick kicks when the servers are reaching capacity. I'd help fund the stronger servers yet I don't even know how much it costs per month to keep up.

  8. Definitely Mudkip. The only part I had a problem was right before the 8th gym as a rival battle contained a pokémon that out-sped my (at the time Lv99 Marshtomp) and it knew a nasty grass attack. Luckily sturdy Magnemite came in to save the day. Everything else was just straight-up sweeping especially since I could teach it moves such as Surf and Ice Beam instantly.

  9. I'm going to take a guess and say Riolu's Counter did 2x the potential damage of False Swipe instead of the actual damage it dealt. I'm not sure how Counter is supposed to interact with False Swipe though so I can't be 100% certain on the matter.

  10. Let's do some number crunching then. As an example We'll use a Lv25 Tangela with 66HP. Assuming all you did was False Swipe it and throw a pokéball you'd have a 17% chance to catch it. If you then paralysed it and threw an ultra ball instead you'd then have a 52% chance. So it's still a pretty easy catch.

  11. 240791 to me grinding makes Pokemon games what they are even in the older games but now in the new games there is almost no grinding at all which is fine but that's what makes the games boring fast

    I've always been the opposite. It's always felt like a waste of time when you got a pokémon to near-perfection just to find out it was either pretty bad or didn't work how you thought it would. The only reason why I did competitive in Gen 4 was because (just like the previous games) I could manipulate the RNG to speed up the breeding process from 3+ boxes of eggs to only a few. Without it I wouldn't have even bothered and may have lost interest in Pokémon altogether.


    While I seriously dislike the grind to getting pokémon to a competitive point, I really enjoy what comes after that (team building, the mind games in battle, tournaments, ect.) If I wanted to grind pokémon as trophies then I'd go old-school shiny hunting.

  12. 239459 - I went from 15 evolutions to 51 in just a couple of hours. It's really not that hard to evolve your pokemon taken that 1/5 of the kanto pokemon evolve with stones...


    - You can always release pokemon that you don't need in your team or sell them.


    - Spending time on something you're enjoying cannot be possibly called time-consuming.


    Anything else? :)

    - I'm mentioning the evolution requirement as it feels like it was placed there for the sake of being there instead of there being a real reason.


    -This point wasn't aimed at me. Moving on..


    -Yet there is a difference between spending time on something you enjoy and spending time on something you really don't enjoy because it happens to be the blockade of something you may.

  13. 239423

    This is where I disagree. How could filling the pokedex been one of the main things to do in the standard pokemon games when IF you had no friends or lived in a rural area you had to buy both versions of the game to "CATCH THEM ALL" and then you would essentially need an extra game boy/ds to trade between the two.Like I said in my previous post I always found it comical when people played the standard pokemon games like it was the TV series. There was no reward or benefit from having all the pokemon in GEN 1 if I remember correctly.....now with that being said I do remember there being requirements for you to get certain items for example I think in order to get EXP SHARE you had to have a certain amount of pokemon but it wasn't something that was absurd and to be honest EXP SHARE wasn't all that great to begin with.


    I do understand where you are coming from when you mention about catching all kanto pokemon in order to see mew or whatever but again is it really necessary?? Id rather have an absurd amount of battles thrown at me with some of the strongest pokemon in the universe, a deep dark cave, have a certain amount of badges,have my pokemon be a certain type of level just to make it through THAN having to literally go and catch 100 plus pokemon I'm NEVER gonna use. You literally have to do that now just to find competitive pokes for PVP (which im fine with) but having to go and catch EVERY pokemon in a certain region is just a little too much IMO.

    Though again, I'd assume Mew is there more for completionist's sake; The reason why you'd want to fill the pokédex in the first place.

  14. I understand you not wanting everyone to have Mew or any other legendary poke but lets just be honest......everything you have to do to get Mew is a little overboard. Make me have to beat like 6 of the best trainers and maybe get through a few mazes without healing my pokes or something that relies more on the SKILL of the player.I have been playing pokemon games since their inception ( RED/BLUE) and I always found it quite comical when people thought or assumed the purpose of the pokemon games were to catch EVERY poke or attempt to. I understand that this isn't a traditional poke game but that doesn't mean it has to demand you to catch/evolve a certain amount of pokemon to complete an objective. I just wish certain things in PRO was more suited for the SKILL of a player than how much time the player can invest. Catching 200 plus pokemon that ill NEVER use just bores me. With that being said this is still a very good game and I enjoy it. There isn't anything better than this but it does have a lot of room for improvement.

    Other than the evolution requirement I actually thought the requirements for Mew were very fitting. Seeing as filling the pokédex is one of the main things to do in a standard pokémon game, with your reward for catching all the Kanto pokémon is getting the opportunity to catch the iconic Kanto legendary. It's not like many people would want to use Mew in competitive anyway as the chances of getting a decent Mew (random IVs, random nature) are so slim it's not worth the effort in that regard.

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