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Buyshinynair last won the day on December 17 2019

Buyshinynair had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  1. insta will be added in 1 hour
  2. hi. selling this start is 1.2m 3 days from first offer insta 2.5m 100k minimum bid increase cc=330k
  3. Yes, contact me on discord buyshinynair#7175 so we can meet somewhere to trade.
  4. start: 600k bid raise: 100k duration: 3 days from first offer. insta: not yet.
  5. The winner is @imhanjoo . @Solidbullet even thou your offer is higher, you offered after the end of the auction. Can be closed.
  6. selling this 3 days from first offer start 1.750m bid increase 250k cc 330k insta: not yet
  7. Sold to @Johann14 . Contact me in-game or discord (buyshinynair#7175) so we can trade it.
  8. 2hrs and 20mins left. bump
  9. Insta updated
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