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Everything posted by I3dontknow32

  1. 3m scyther
  2. 2.55m scyther
  3. 2m scyther
  4. 15min left
  5. 50min left
  6. S.o 50k Min bid 5k No insta 26hour auction Accept cc 350k and pokedollar Auction start after first Bid
  7. @Destro16yes you won in 1.4m. Laviter bid 1min after the auction is over. So can u meet me serenia village?
  8. This is Bundle Auction S.o : 10k Min bid : 10k No Insta Time: 36hour after fist bid Payment : CC(350k) Iv RR(480k) and Poke Dollars Again this is Bundle auction and not a single auction Goodluck all ^^
  9. alright u won lets wait gold back online
  10. 15min added since u bid in the last 15min but 5min left
  11. bump 54min left
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