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Everything posted by Deathbox3

  1. instant price for second abra?
  2. Re: Prophezzy's Black Market Update #2 Instant prices & new pokes added <t>150k ralts and ill buyout the 400k starmie</t>
  3. Re: Prophezzy's Black Market Update #1 (Nov. 9) <t>ill do 250k for starmie</t>
  4. el doggy is king
  5. Re: The epic fennekin shop <t>when will the auction end for magician?</t>
  6. yoo
  7. when will the auction for skarmory end?
  8. damm u lol all with love beast <3 u know I love u baby
  9. Edit nvm I didnt notice the low D on snorlax
  10. Re: Nosafur's Pokeshop <t>ill start the bidding on skorupi for 300k :) I thought u were keeping it tho :S</t>
  11. Re: Dae's Shop- 30 30 spd spatk Jolteon!! added epic Umbreon and Pinsir <t>roccus and dae are both amazing sellers I have only heard good things about them and I recommend them. Also when will the auction end for alakazam?</t>
  12. Buying epic Calm/bold serene Grace Togepi + 25 on all stats paying well boys and girls link or add me in game and show me whats up. :)
  13. LOOL Dude this exact same scenario happened to me check out the other thread of nicsy1 i even call her/him out about it.... damn nicsy u have to stop because this type of behavior is really quite childish. I love how he/she tries to turn it around on you like he/she did on me. did same to me ;D LMAO So this happened to everyone.... rekttttt
  14. Re: Epic umbreon sell <r><QUOTE author="SirChancelot"><s> </e></QUOTE> You obviously do care enough to make a fuss about it when im trying to buy a poke from you.<e> </e></QUOTE> LOOL Dude this exact same scenario happened to me check out the other thread of nicsy1 i even call her/him out about it.... damn nicsy u have to stop because this type of behavior is really quite childish. I love how he/she tries to turn it around on you like he/she did on me.</r>
  15. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 2 <r><QUOTE author="Wildno0dles"><s> </e></QUOTE> I accept your offer dood! SOLD! <E>:Grin:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> Thank u sir <3 Still looking for a calm epic togepi paying well</r>
  16. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 2 <r><QUOTE author="boubye"><s> </e></QUOTE><e></e></QUOTE> <br/> <br/> sounds good to me :) let me know did u also see my request?</r>
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