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Everything posted by Orphen223

  1. Currently Watching Food Wars - Naruto (Current Episodes) - Fairy Tail Season 2 - Mobile Suit Iron Blooded Orphans Waiting For New Seasons - Haikyu/Baby Steps/Ace Of Diamond/GATE/Log Horizon/Attack On Titan
  2. hey that is great to hear I know there's a lot of other things that need to be done first, but hey I am just saying that is something I really look forward to.
  3. Since you did Dead Pool which is my 2nd fav Marvel toon i figure why not throw this out there, and do others, but I would donate $25-30 if you did a beast Magento skin. I mean honestly why not do a ton of DC, and Marvel heroes/villains I am sure you would sell on that.
  4. Wow that's pretty sweet actually
  5. Best I've seen so far is a neutral with def stat 29 and everything else 31.
  6. I would say the first anime I got into would either be Orphen scion of sorcery or TriGun
  7. Agreed yellow is probably the best way to go if your new.
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